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Brewer Battlehammer - Printable Version

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Brewer Battlehammer - Brewer - 02-16-2014

Brewer Battlehammer

Race: Dwarf
Age: 150
Build: Stout
Hair: Dark Brown/Red
Eyes: Silvery blue
Height: 5'0
Weight: 200 ibs
Facial hair: Beard and mustach

Short History before Coming to Thay:

Brewer comes from a long line of master brewers. His father Dwaen and his brother Donin runs a brewery in northern Faerun around Mirhtil hall. The Mother Morina work at the pie bakery attached to brewery.

Brewer and his family is believers of The laughing god of Vergadain and proud members of the Clan Battlehammer.
Brewer has now after many years of travel reached the lands of Thay, here of all places he believes to settle down for a wile.
Learning the common tongue has been tough for Brewer, and its not helping him avoiding socializing and big crowds. But he is working on it.
Brewer is a quite greedy self-occupied dwarf who´d love to make a small fortune for himself, and return like a rich dwarf back to his family.

[Image: Battlehammer_crest.png]

//For those who wonder about the - - in Brewers name: This was not made in order to offend anyone its because I remade the character so many times I ran out of options.