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the Saga of Rhab Bloodaxe - Printable Version

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the Saga of Rhab Bloodaxe - Hobbit - 10-02-2024

Heart of the Jungle Rhabs Last Stand
In the heart of Chult, where vibrant greens intertwined with the shadows of ancient trees, a great warrior named Thard Harr Rhab stood vigilant. Born of the wild dwarven clans, he was a protector of the jungle, a champion against the lurking dangers that threatened his kin. With his braided beard adorned with feathers and beads, he embodied the spirit of the land. The jungle was alive its dense foliage whispered secrets, and the air pulsed with magic. Yet, a darkness loomed. For decades, peace had reigned, but rumors of an evil force a bloodwitch had begun to stir. She was said to wield the power of demons, manipulating shadows and chaos, corrupting the natural order of the land.
One fateful morning, as the sun filtered through the canopy in golden rays, Rhab set out on his daily patrol. The jungle was quiet, an unsettling stillness hanging in the air. Suddenly, a rustle disrupted the calm, followed by a guttural growl. Rhab's instincts kicked in; he gripped his axe, its blade glimmering with a faint green glow, a gift from the jungle spirits.
Emerging from the underbrush was a creature twisted by dark magic a jaguar, its fur a patchwork of shadows and malice. Rhab’s heart raced. “By the wilds, what sorcery is this?” he muttered.
The jaguar lunged, teeth bared, but Rhab stood his ground. Channeling the essence of the jungle, he called upon the roots beneath him. They surged upward, ensnaring the creature. “I will not let you harm my home!” he shouted, determination fueling his every word. With a fierce swing of his axe, Rhab unleashed a wave of energy, the blade striking true. The jaguar’s form twisted and shrieked before dissipating into a cloud of shadows. The ground trembled, and Rhab felt the pulse of the jungle the spirits were restless. “Bloodwitch,” he growled, realizing her influence had spread far and wide. He needed to act quickly to restore balance. The stories spoke of a hidden glade where the essence of nature flowed strongest, a place that could bolster his strength against the encroaching darkness. Rhab ventured deeper into the jungle, guided by the whispers of the trees. He encountered trials a flooded ravine, treacherous vines, and lurking spirits of those lost to darkness. Each challenge tested his resolve, but he pressed on, drawing power from the very earth beneath his feet. Finally, he reached the glade, a breathtaking sanctuary bathed in sunlight. Ancient trees circled a clear pool, the water shimmering with an ethereal glow. Rhab knelt at its edge, cupping his hands to drink. The essence surged through him, awakening a deeper connection to the jungle. “I will not fail,” he vowed, his voice resonating with the heartbeat of the land. With renewed strength, Rhab turned to confront the Bloodwitch. The air crackled with magic as he journeyed to her lair, an ominous cave hidden behind cascading waterfalls. Shadows twisted around him, but he pressed forward, fear replaced with purpose. Inside, the Bloodwitch awaited, her eyes gleaming with malevolence. “Foolish warrior! You think you can challenge me?” she cackled, summoning shadows that writhed like serpents.
I am the protector of this land,” Rhab replied, raising his axe. “I will cleanse the darkness you have brought!
As the battle erupted, the cave shook with the force of their clash. Rhab channeled the wilds, roots and vines erupting from the ground to ensnare the Bloodwitch’s minions. He swung his axe with ferocity, each strike a testament to his love for the jungle. The Bloodwitch retaliated, her magic swirling around her like a storm. But Rhab, fueled by the spirits of the jungle, pushed back against her darkness. “You will not claim this land!” he roared! “You may have defeated my minion, warrior,” a voice hissed from the shadows, rich with malice. The Bloodwitch stepped forth, her figure draped in robes woven from the night sky, her eyes glinting like shards of ice. “But you are nothing against the tides of darkness.” Rhab steeled himself, his heart racing. “I will not let you corrupt this land!” he replied, raising his axe with fierce resolve. The Bloodwitch’s laughter echoed like a thunderclap. “Brave, but foolish. Let me show you the true power of shadow!” With a flick of her wrist, she summoned a swirling portal, a chasm of darkness that pulsed ominously. Rhab charged forward, fueled by the spirit of the jungle. But before he could strike, a tendril of shadow snaked out, wrapping around his limbs, paralyzing him. “You will know despair, Thard Harr Rhab!” she taunted, her voice dripping with triumph. With a final, potent incantation, she hurled Rhab into the portal. Time twisted and warped as he was pulled into a realm devoid of light, where shadows consumed all hope. He tumbled into the land of shadows, a place of endless twilight, where the air was thick with despair. Echoes of lost souls whispered around him, a haunting reminder of battles fought and lost. Rhab staggered to his feet, panic clawing at him as he surveyed the bleak landscape twisted trees with gnarled branches stretched like skeletal fingers, and a sky shrouded in perpetual gloom.
This cannot be the end!” he shouted, drawing on the remnants of his strength. But the darkness pressed in on him, cold and unyielding, and the spirits of the jungle felt distant, like a fading dream.
In this bleak realm, he encountered other lost souls warriors, guardians, and creatures once proud, now twisted by despair. They warned him of the Bloodwitch’s power, how she fed on their fear and sorrow, and how many had fallen before him. Rhab refused to succumb. “I will find a way back,” he vowed, drawing on the memory of the jungle’s vibrant life. He sought the heart of this dark land, hoping to find a source of power that could counter the Bloodwitch’s grip. Days blurred into nights as he journeyed through the shadows, navigating twisted paths and avoiding the clutches of shadowy demons that lurked in the dark. With each step, he recalled the strength of his ancestors, the wisdom of the wilds, and the duty he carried as a guardian. Finally, he reached a clearing where a faint glow pulsed in the distance. Rhab pushed forward, desperate to reclaim his strength. As he neared, he found a flickering essence a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. “I will not let her win!” Rhab roared, drawing on the power within. He poured his essence into the light, Only the will to survive surge through him. But the Bloodwitch’s influence was strong, and as he attempted to escape, shadows clawed at him, threatening to pull him back into despair. “You belong to me, Rhab!” the Bloodwitch’s voice echoed, chilling him to the bone. “You are nothing without the darkness!” With a final surge of will, Rhab fought against the encroaching shadows, but the darkness was relentless. He felt the last flicker of hope dim as he was pulled deeper into the void, the light fading from his grasp with every last ounce of what was left in him he somehow found the will to fight back and broke into the light and all he could feel was the fresh dewy grass beneath him and the fresh air fill his lungs of a land so alien to his a land he would soon find to be Thay.