Check it out.
The Sword - Fire Lances of the Ancient Hyperzephyrians

on Youtube

"Our legends tell of weapons
Wielded by kings of old
Crafted by evil wizards
Unholy to behold
We seek the fire lances
That slew the ancient race
The world where they were masters
Now lays in waste"

A quote by one of the fans...

"This music stomps through %$#holes and headbutts toddlers into other dimensions."

Quote from RedWizardsAteMyBaby when he reccomended this to me..
"Holy heavy metal in a handbasket Robin, it kicks ass!"
Phydran Doon - Red Wizard of Divination
Djed Setesh - Deathdealer and Overlord of the Dark Suns' faith
Ihsahn - Red Wizard of Evocation
Ryech Voralt - Priador Legionnare

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