Back, back, back!
If anyone of you remembered a burly, white-haired shifter, yey!

I'm back and I'm curious as to why the max level was reduced to 15.
Cieage Terrat - ??? - ???
My "guess" is that the encounter system currently doesn't permit advancement higher than roughly 15. At least for the time being, that makes creating a barrier at that level a good idea. Actually, fifteen seems to be just about the perfect cap for Thay (even if such a ceiling was incidental).
"Survival of the fittest and the winnowing of the weak are Malar's Legacy. A brutal, bloody death or kill has great meaning. The crux of life is the challenge between the hunter and the prey, the determination of who lives or dies. View every important task as a hunt. Remain ever alert and alive."
(01-26-2010, 12:57 PM)TheSupremeForce Wrote: My "guess" is that the encounter system currently doesn't permit advancement higher than roughly 15.

That is correct, new encounters are in the works and once finished the cap will be gone again.

@Mineya - Welcome back!


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