Death & Dying
Permadeath was completely removed in the past (August 2009), however since that time modifications have been made to allow for a *limited* return by giving DMs the ability to mark PCs for permadeath as well as enforcing permadeath if multiple other long-term and notorious PCs deem it necessary/appropriate for a PC.

At this time though, no one has used the ability to mark another PC for permadeath....yet....
Just a question but in the case of con buffs (potions, barb rage, shapeshifted etc), its often the case with my characters that they simply die with under -10 hp without any recovery period what so ever. It also results in no death screen no matter what I do save for re-logging (and then can respawn). Is this intended or not?
There have been multiple bug reports on this issue, but no consistent reproducible steps have ever been determined. I made changes recently to try and adress it, but without being able to repro it myself, it's like shooting in the dark. I'd recommend opening your own bug report on it if you have ideas as to how to repro it on a consistent basis.
With the next server reset, the completely revised scripts behind the death and dying system in Thay will go into effect. They overall way death and dying is handled here has not changed, but hopefully this massive re-write will great improve efficiency and help eliminate a severe server lock-up problem we are facing at the moment that seemed to be related to PC bleeding.

However, there is one change I want to make people aware of:
If a PC takes a terribly damaging blow or otherwise sustains damage that reduces them from positive to -30 hitpoints or more in one hit, they will no longer go through the bleeding stage when hurt that badly. The only way to save them will be to cast a Raise Dead or Resurrection spell on them, or they can respawn and place their fate in the hands of the mysterious allies.

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