Two Years
Wow, Hard to belive it's been two years since I came here.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Times flies! :)

"It's 106 miles to Bezantur, we got fresh horses, half a cask of Rhul, it's dark... and we're wearing Lug's Skull." "Hit it."
Sometimes it just runs really fast.
"Survival of the fittest and the winnowing of the weak are Malar's Legacy. A brutal, bloody death or kill has great meaning. The crux of life is the challenge between the hunter and the prey, the determination of who lives or dies. View every important task as a hunt. Remain ever alert and alive."

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