Diary of A Druidess
Caramiriel takes out a new book, with a custom crafted leather cover.

[Image: 53-Monograms,Crosses-etc.-img19-tree-on-...71x272.jpg]

She opens it and begins to write in green ink and flowing Elven script.

" Greeting my fellow Silvanites.

I have been writing about my experiences since my arrival to Thay. I still will be, but have decided since I am now a Druidess of Silvanus, a seperate account of experiences and tasks in my role as a priestess and shrine keeper for future storage in the Grove archives. For those who may not have heard of me some brief background.

I arrived as most have through intervention of the unknown wizard. Though a follower of the Father and Druid my path was unclear. I am half Elf and half Mulhorandi and may have been that human half which made my path unsure. As foretold by the Soothsayer that my questions would be answered, I chose Bezantur.My clan had set me up with housing and starting funds.

I traveled extensively, made acquaintances and worked hard to survive eventually ending up with the Priador legion, my base being Bezantur. It was difficult to say the least, however I finally achieved the rank of captain. It was sometime after that, that things started to change. The Zulkirs seemed upset that non-Mulhorandi were achieveing high ranks in the military. An edict was issued that only pure Mulhorandi could advance to rank of captain or tribune. Mixed race as long as one was human, lieutenant and all others sergeant. A grace period was given for those wishing to leave and the death penalty for leaving the legion would be waived.

In hindsight, the edict helped to show me my true path. During my rise and involvement with the legion, I seemed to be coming more soldier and less Druid though my powers were increasing. Mayhap it was my Mulhorandi heritage blocking my Elven side. I saw captain Azura, also of Silvanus and a Druid, and half Elf like myself, as just that, a Captain not a sister Druid ,Elf or of faith. Silvanus seemed to sense my in decision and mayhap was disappointed in Azura that He decided to intervene."

( A page is turned)

Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
" It was a time of general chaos. The Zulkirs sent out a decree that only humans could hold ranks higher than a lieutenant in any of the legions. Some exceptions would be made if merited. They also allowed during this time frame that those who wished to sever ties completely could do so without penalty of death which normally is the price one pays for desertion. The legion is for life and even if you retire honorably you still could be called.

I was a captain at the time and I knew if I stayed I would only be a lieutenant and would have to answer to others. There were a few in the legion who were on the rise I had no respect for and also some who were resentful of my status. Yet the legion for the most part was the only life I knew since my arrival.

There were also some religious disturbances brewing as well. The cult of Moander was becoming active which could potentially disrupt nature and thus become a headache to followers of Silvanus.

Shortly after I heard the edict an Ent, a walking tree spirit on fire and in pain appeared to me and others. It said that Nature and Silvanus needed my help but that Silvanus was angry at me for not following closer to the Druid path and path of the Grove. I was told I would have to prove myself to Silvanus and a challenge would be put forth which would prove my worthiness. After the Ent left I felt an odd sensation and after a few moments I realized I was stripped of my divine gifts. I could still use scrolls and wands but could not cast the simpliest spell, not even healing.

Omnipotence Thrune was there and had seen and heard everything. I turned towards him and he had an odd expression on his face. I have known his omnipotence for a long time, since he was an apprentice. He asked me to come with him back to Tyraturos as he had his tower there.

When we arrived, rather then sitting down and talking, we went to his uppermost level. Thrune had set up an make shift sanctuary to Moander. Zargos was also there. After he and Thrune uttered some words, an avatar of the Corrupter appeared who tired to persuade me to follow him. I will not lie I was tempted however the sudden appearance of the ghost stag and the woeful look in its eyes told me that Silvanus had not totally abandoned me. I refused Moander's offer and followed the stag down the stairs and out of Hazlok's tower and headed to my home to think things over."
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Cara had been at the Grove for some time now. In reorganizing her room she discovered her diary. She was done with her duties so she decided to open it and continue.

" I awoke the next morning, the previous day's experience felt more like a dream, no a nightmare. As I was walking towards the Citadel I saw another image of the sacred stag. I was told to prepare myself for a journey but I was permitted to take no more than three. I made sure to tie up any loose ends. Garic ,Kal and Daeris were the first ones that came to mind and I sent them letters. Regrettably, they could not assist however Gust Windblown and Cyrus could friends I knew for almost as long as the others. Gust was interested as he was a cleric of the God of Travel, Shaundakul , Cyrus was a cleric of Valkur and since this was sort of a pilgrimage their interests were peaked.

The day came and we set out guided by the stag. Once we were in the wilderness the stag let. We were set upon by spiders and such but managed to defeat them.
Shortly afterwards a boar appeared which served as our guide. As suddenly as it appeared it disappeared and the sacred stag returned. It claimed we had arrived at the site of the first test.

The stag vanished and in its place was an avatar of the Elven god Fenmarel Mestarine. He is often referred to as the god of Outcasts, Elves who do not feel part of Elven society. An appropriate choice for one such as myself being a half-breed not fully accepted by Elves or humans. He tired to persuade me to denounce Silvanus and follow him. I will admit he almost had me convinced however I turned him down. Gust and Cyrus could not hear what transpired but were standing guard. After Fenmarel left I returned to them only to find that Silus had joined us. He was passing through on his way to the Surthag Headwaters. he agreed to accompany us.

Shortly after he agreed a second avatar of a god appeared. Talona a goddess of disease and vermin. I have often gone through the sewers in tasks for myself and others as various reagents can be found there. It too tried to dissuade me from Silvanus, but I refused. So far the two avatars seemed harmless images, however the next one was not.

The third and final was that of Moander. Unlike the others which were ethereal in appearance this was not. It was a full manifestation of malevolent energy and great,big black tendrils came out of the ground. The aura of rage filled the air. I had turned Moander down in Hazlok's tower. It sought to take advantage that I had lost my divine gifts. However luckily I had built up my martial skills and had Gust.Cyrus and Silus with me. What seemed like a battle that would never end , we managed to defeat Moander's creatures.

Shortly afterwards the sacred stag appeared much larger than before. Once again I was asked to leave the life of the legion behind and follow Silvanus as a full Druidess. The edict made my decision more clear had in not been passed I would of probably hesitated. The immunity was still in affect so I could leave the legion with my full rank and not worry about the death penalty for doing so. I accepted and when I did, I felt a heavy burden had been lifted from my shoulders. My powers were restored and my legion cloak replaced with the cloak of the Grove. I was given a piece of the sacred antler so I could travel to the Grove and finish my initiation. I thanked Gust, Cyrus and Silus for their aid and proceeded to the Grove."
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
"I have now explained how I came to be a Druidess full time and am now an Elder.

I shall now write in my experience what makes a good Druid. Granted my early training was interrupted when I was brought to Bezantur but I shall try my best.

1.First you need to decide which of the many paths of the Druidic arts you want to take. Find which fits your granted abilities and preferably one already skilled.

2. Choose the proper companion,one which augments skills you may not have. I chose my panther Yith for his strength and stealth. However you can supplement your animal aid if needed. Using you communication skills, you can ask animals to assist you and you can also memorize summoning spells.

3. Learn as wide of a range of spells as you can. Knowledge of both offensive and defensive spells a must.

4. Take the time to learn the art of scroll inscribing. It is well worth the time and effort. Not only do they come in handy for your personal use, but people will pay you for them as well.

Offensive spells need to be used wisely as some can injure you and your allies.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
" Brewing Potions can be a good skill as well however I found ,especially with our healing gifts not necessary so I never bothered to study it. That is not to say one should not, matter of preference.

By the same token some druids to note learn the art of inscribing. Since I do I shall tell you of the types I scribe.
Mostly the healing ones as well as restorations types, remove disease and poison. I also scribe death ward ,stone skin , protection from elements ,freedom of movement and occasionally various summons.

Now to discuss key spells one should know. Stoneskin, protection from elements,bark skin,summons and of course the healing spells. There are some spells which are quite overlooked but quite useful I have found. They are longstrider, obscuring mist and acid fire. All are good if you are alone and mayhap need to get away from enemies. I would suggest only using acid fire if alone or if you are with people warn then first. Flamelash is also not used but it is good for close range.

As you progress in your studies you choice of spells naturally will change."

Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
"Knowing spells is all well and good, but you must also know mundane skills and have proper equipment. As there maybe times you cannot use spells or have time to cast. I was glad I had invested in good gear and weapons as during the Time of No Magic which virtually affected any form of casting to the limited time my powers were stripped during my right of passage.

Elves are the most flexible when it comes to ability to choose weapons due to their heritage. Most commonly used weapons for most are the staff, blades and shields.
Slings and darts can be useful at times though speaking for myself I prefer the others.
Whatever mundane weapon or weapons you use, become comfortable with them, make them an extension of yourself.

As for gear, we are lucky in that our powers being of the divine are not restricted by what gear we wear or if we use shields. Again this comes down to a matter of choice and preference. Personally I chose either light leather or padded.

I feel that once you have basic feel for gear and weapons then you can be more focused on which spells you think would augment you."
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander

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