01-02-2023, 02:26 PM
Round Up
((If interested, gather in the Champions Inn in Northern Tyraturos))
Omnipotence Samus Kul of the Guild of Foreign Trade has a task for you, if you are proven enough. Those knowledgeable in the ways of animals and magical beasts are particularly invited.
((This DM event will start at 8:00 PM US Central Time on Friday January 6th. It is for any interested characters.))
((If interested, gather in the Champions Inn in Northern Tyraturos))
Omnipotence Samus Kul of the Guild of Foreign Trade has a task for you, if you are proven enough. Those knowledgeable in the ways of animals and magical beasts are particularly invited.
((This DM event will start at 8:00 PM US Central Time on Friday January 6th. It is for any interested characters.))