Here is Kaylan's portrait.
Extract into your NeverwinterNights/NWN/portraits folder.
And for those that wanted a hood so much, now you can have one! Though only you and others that have the hood enabled will see it... if they don't, it will just look like a regular helm. So I encourage as many people as possible to get this too. =)
Extract into your NeverwinterNights/NWN/override folder.
Edited to be more Mac and Linux friendly.
Extract into your NeverwinterNights/NWN/portraits folder.
And for those that wanted a hood so much, now you can have one! Though only you and others that have the hood enabled will see it... if they don't, it will just look like a regular helm. So I encourage as many people as possible to get this too. =)
Extract into your NeverwinterNights/NWN/override folder.
Edited to be more Mac and Linux friendly.