10-05-2013, 10:38 PM
Stole this from another forum. Didn't see it from a search so I'm posting it here in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.
Quote:Quite simply all these instructions get you to do is save you the seconds it takes for your log on to realize there's no master server...
I borrowed this from another forum I frequent, and they stole it from biowares forums... Nonetheless you need these following things to do this:
-Administrators permission
-Notepad or equivalent text editor
-No fear of editing files the system uses! (Linux users, these instructions are primarily for Windows users, and if you use them for your own ends, I assume you already have accomplished this point...)
Now, open up your text editor (or Notepad) by running it as Administrator (right-click -> Run as Administrator) and complete any User Accounts Authentication windows that pop up by clicking "yes" (should they appear)...
Then open a file by navigating through the murky realm of the Windows File System (C:/Windows/System32/Drivers/etc is the directory), the file is called "Hosts" it has no .txt or other file Extension, so follow this mundane recommendation should you not see it: change the files you are looking for to "all files".
Then copy the following into the file you open on the last line: nwmaster.bioware.com nwnauth.kr.infogrames.com
Save it, et voila, you have successfully told windows to ignore looking for the nwn master server.