Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur!
[Image: ZelisDiaryHeader.jpg]
(I'll finish it later. I'm sleepy.)

Big Tiem: Midle uv Summr
Small Tiem: Sun Seting

Sistr Vantin sayd that I shud keep this buk and yus it tu riet down mi lief expeerinses. Tha bettr tu help me luv lief and the wurld arownd us, she sayd. Tha Soonites teechd me tu reed and riet, so mabey I shud lissen tu her.

Fathr dus not trust the Soonites, seys that they cumd tu leed us frum Uthgars teechings. Luv and buety ar distrax destrakshun things that steel owr fokus. Survivul is all that mattrs. So seys Fathr. But Fathr, I sayed, lief is hard undr Grate Uthgar's hevens! Gud things make lief gud and wurth living, so mabey tha Soonites hav a point. So Fathr throwd his ale on me and telld me tu get owt uv his hut. So I leeved and goed to fiend owr stuupid dog Wulf-Rayzr.

Wen I wus luking for Wulf-Rayzr abowt twu leegs frum home, sum robbr kumd owt frum behind a boldr and startd twurling his kwartrstaff. He sayd tu giv him all uv my koin. I telld him I am Uthgartdt, so I hav no koins. He telld me to giv him wutevr I had. I telld him Mabey yu shud giv me wutevr yu hav! He startd screeming abowt leeving me ded in a dich, so I drawd my ax and choppd his fase. That showd him!

Lief is gud.

Big Tiem: Stil Midl uv Summr
Small Tiem: Horses ar grazing

By tha Teeth uv Pegasus, I kannot waet for tha Huntrs Muun Danse! Korr Won-Arrow is tha purfekt stud and I hoep tu ried a nobl horse intu tha sunset with him won day. He wud do well to ask me tu tha danse, and I will drag him ther by his haer if I must.

But Leda Dottr-uv-Lethak is a fathrless, onurless harlut with no fathr, and Leda telld me tu stay away frum Korr. So I telld her Wy wud he wont yu? Yu hav yet tu finish yur Riet uv Womunhud! Yu ar still a littl gurl! So she sayd I will sho yu how a womun fites! And she kikd me in tha nethrs. So I pulld her haer and dragd her tu tha grownd and punchd her in tha gullet three tiems! Then Kelig Breth-uv-Griffins kumd ovr, throwd me off that goet-sird bich and telld us tu stop fiting. Keligs fathr owns twentee horses, so thers is tha most porsper prosprus weltheest famly in owr tribe. So we stopd. Mabey I shall get a chans tu burn her uglee hair off latr. Uglee littl gurl hair. Ha!

Muthr just telld me tu go cach sum fish for owr evning meel. Wer dued my stuupid bruthr leev owr fishing pol this tiem? I rekun I shud go and fiind it or Muthr will start throwing things agin.

If yu ar reeding this buk, Narth, yu ar verily a stuupid littl bruthr and yu need tu stop luzing things! Now get yur wurmy hands off mi diry!
Corella d'Margo, arch-liar
Wyren Caul-of-Amber, alchemist
Tirah Het-Nanu, courtesan
Big Tiem: Late Summr
Small Tiem: Moon is Tuching tha Sumit uv Mount Dethspindel or Wutever Its Naemd

By tha will uv Mitey Uthgar, and the shado uv Grate Pegasus, and the ire uv all my ansestors, I now call tha blud venjenss aginst Segara Stag-Cantr, hu barrod my favrit brown wolfskin cloke, then refusd tu giv it bak, then layd it on tha grownd, then layd down on it with Korr Won-Arro and shaerd her luving embrase with him and ruind my gud cloke with ther druul and othr juces! May tha gods grant mersey untu Segara, for I shall not!

Big Tiem: Laet Summr
Small Tiem: Leir Hands-uv-Gold is milking tha goets

Sistr Vantin sayd that I am not allowd to call blud venjenss aginst Segara Stag-Cantr ovr ruining my cloke and takin Korr. And Muthr, Fathr and Baram Wolf-Eldr all agre with her. But now Korr will nevr take me tu tha Huntrs Mun Danse, I sayd! Now he will luv that bull-mowntd, horn-sucking, scab-farming wench and not me! It mattrs not, sayd Baram Wolf-Eldr. Such venjenss is nevr tu be calld aginst those uv the tribe. Such venjenss is tu be calld aginst a tru enimy hu wud destroy all wut we hold deer, hu wud see all wut yu hav builded burnd, hu wud salt tha urth and leev yu to starv, and hu wud at long last end yur miseree by skattering yur entrales tu tha Forr Winds.

But Wize Eldr, I askd, dus Segara Stag-Cantr not fit such a desk diskep diskripshun? He sayd no. Segara is thotless, caerless and mayhap tuu free with tha fier in her loins. But she is blud of Pegasus, as ar yu. And she is not yur enemey, or she wud du far wors than fowling yur cloke and claeming he hum yu desier most.

And he givd his kownsel. I am yung and fuulish. In tiem, I shall lern wut mattrs most in lief. I shall lern wut is wurth blud and battel, and I shall lern wut is not. And, he sayd, tho I am far frum tru wisdum, I du demu dimonstr demostrat sho a grate talent for insulting peepl. Sumtiems, tha best fite is a battl uv wurds, not a battl uv blaeds.

I haet it wen Eldr Baram Wolf-Eldr is rite. But he sed naut abowt punching Segara and throing her intu the muddey rivr mire. I will settl for duing that.

Lief in tha Spien uv tha Wurld is unfaer sumtiems.
Corella d'Margo, arch-liar
Wyren Caul-of-Amber, alchemist
Tirah Het-Nanu, courtesan
Big Tiem: Verey Late Summr
Small Tiem: Muunrize

So I stil hav lots uv welts and bruses frum ware Segara Stag-Cantr and Leda Dottr-uv-Lethak waylayd me, and they bringd Korge Hips-uv-Muthrs and Elbri Barley-Hare to tha fite too! It wud take forr uv them to bring me down. At leest Leda walks with a limp now, and both uv Elbris eeys ar swelld up so she kan baerly see, and I kikkd Segara in her nethrs so hard that all her mongrell haf-gobblin childrin wil be born with lumpey heds. I tore my nuckels on Segaras teeth, tho. It hurts a lot. So du my ribs, my jaw, both my nees and I think my blud hurts too. And Korge, kowurd that she is, grabd both my bosum-monds frum behined and skueezd and twistd them wile I wus banging hur fase with my elbo. Those stil hurt too, so I owe hur for that.

So then tha Suunites askd Eldr Wolf-Eldr and Eldr Krone-on-tha-Mowntin if they cud hav a wurd with us. Tha eldrs agreed, so Hartwarder Alledeen and Sistr Vantin sat tha five uv us gurls wimen (saev for Leda, hu is stil an unpruven littl gurl) in a sirkel arownd tha fire. Thay askd us wy we fite eech uthr. I sayd it wus bekuz Leda is a loborn, dung-braned stench kow, Segara is a desprit harlut hu wud clap belleys with a swetty borr if sumwon gave hur a kup uv ale tu du it, and Korge and Elbri hav won brane betwiks tha tuu uv them, so thay take turns yusing it, and Korge keeps it in hur fat arss wenevr thay arnt yusing it, wich is verey oftin. So then Korge jumpd up and throed a punch at me and I dukkd it, and Sistr Vantin startd yelling at us, so I let go uv Korge's big fat hog leg and we sat down agin.

So evrewon els in owr Skie Ponee summr villij got tu walk arownd and see tu theyr affaers, eksept for us, hu had tu sit there and lissen tu the Suniets lekchur us, all bekuz Segara cudnt take getting punchd and throed in tha mud like a big gurl, so she had tu get a bunch uv her frends and beet on me bekuz she's a yusless littl bich with wurm-infestd eers and an arss to mach. And all uv that kame up wile the Suunites were asking us a lot uv kwestuns, and I wishd that I had a lot uv frends so I cud beet them down in riturn.

But Zelis, Sistr Vantin sayd, yu dont hav any frends bekuz yu keep attaking uthr gurls. Bekuz yu ar a bulley. Bekuz tha bois yung men like Korr see that and feer that yu wud hurt them tuu if thay tuk yur hand. Bekuz yu chues angr and jellusey ovr luv and kiendniss. Nobuddey wonts tu be arownd sumwon hu is angrey all tha tiem.

And tha damndest thing is that she wus rite. Fathr is always angrey, and I haet beeng arownd him. He makes Muthr angrey all the tiem, so I haet beeng arownd Muthr too. I hate it wen Sistr Vantin is rite, just like I hat it wen tha eldrs ar rite.

So all uv us sat ther past nuun and intu tha eve, with tha Suniets asking us wut we like, wut we luv, wut we hav in kommun. Korge taks joy in kuuking fud. So du I, but I dont get fat frum it bekuz I run so much. Leda lieks tu run thru tha mowntins verey oft tuu. Segara lieks tu get nu garb, or stich hur own garb frum skins and kloth. So du I. All uv us injoy riding horses. Naem won Skie Poney hu dusnt.

So then Hartwarder Alledeen telld us to gathr at that spot tumorro morn at sunriez, for it wus tiem for an epif epfaney epiffn nu way uv thinking. But befor we tuk owr leev, Sistr Vantin baed Leda tu kast all kwalms asied and embrase me. Leda hestatd, and I pushd hur away. Sistr Vantin insistd and telld me that Leda wus not my enimy, so I shud stop risisting. So Leda eatd her pride and huggd me, and I huggd her bak. And it feeld liek how I feel wen I drop a big, hevy rok aftr lugging it all tha way owt uv a rivr. Then Vantin bade eech uv tha uthrs to embrase me in turn. Tha gud feelings growd gudr. Then Vantin bringd owr gruup all tugethr for won grate, big, warm, meny-armd hug. And I feeld like I wus walking on aer.

Leda and Segara kan bickr with eech uthr over Korr now. I feel liek I dont disurve him anymor. But maybey I hav ernd sumthing grater and more satiss satisfying satsfieing than meer affekshun. Maybye I hav taken my furst step on a wundrful nu jurney, won with trales leeding within, not withowt.

I wunder were Sistr Vantin will leed us tumoro, and wut we shall lern there.
Corella d'Margo, arch-liar
Wyren Caul-of-Amber, alchemist
Tirah Het-Nanu, courtesan
Big Tiem: Tha Nekst Day
Small Tiem: Cujjel Creek is fludding agin

Sistr Vantin rowsd us frum owr huts and owr tents afor sunrize. She sayd Dress yurselfs and fech yur horses, gurls, becuz we ar going on a shopping trek! But we ar wimen, I sayd, not gurls. Eksept for Leda. Yu can call her a littl gurl all yu want. And Leda givd me a nastey luk, but Sistr Vantin ignord me and made redy for tha jurney.

So we eatd strips uv wild pork and drinkd brown ael for brekfist, and Korge askd, Sistr Vantin! How are we going shopping in tha Ten Towns if we hav no gold or coppr? I sayd, We cud ask owr cheeftin, Jerek Wolf-Slayr if we cud borro sum coyn. No, sayd Sistr Vantin, yu du not ask the cheeftin uv yur trieb if yu can borro muney frum him. So I askd, Wut abowt owr shaman, Valrik Hie-Eiy? He killd Jerek Wolf-Slayr's sun, yet he is stil owr shaman and Cheeftin Jerek will not lift a fingr aginst him, Korge sayd. Ar yu reeley going tu ask him for muney? So Segara sayd, Wut abowt Wulfgar, that Elk warryur frum Isewind Dael? He is probley verey rich! We cud fiend him and ask him for sum gold. No, sayd Sistr Vantin, we du not ask renownd heeros if we can borro muney.

So wut uthr opshuns du we hav? Sistr Vantin askd, Well, wut du Uthgardt du? Segara sayd, We sharpn blaeds, fite orcs and kill things! Vantin sayd, Yes, but wut els? Elbri sayd We ried horses swiftr than tha mowntin gaels! Vantin sayd, Yes, but wut else? So we thinkd for a wile, then Segara sayd, We hunt and fish and maek lether and cut wood and maek guds for trad? And Vantin sayd, Yes, eksaktley! So go get any hieds and skins, speers, smoekd fish or wutevr els you maed, then we can tak it all tu town and traed it for coin. So I ran bak tu owr hut to fech tha driyd wolf skins frum my last hunt.

Narth stopd me and askd wut I wus duing. I telld him to shut his mowth and go bothr sumwon els. So he startd hopping up and down and saying Tell me tell me tell me! So I sayd, All rite! Sistr Vantin is taeking us tu town so we kan trad furs and biy things. So he sayd Taek me with yu, Big Sistr! And I sayd No! And he sayd Taek me with yu! And I sayd, All rite, yu can kum! Just shut yur mowth!

But Fathr wus rite behiend me, and he surprizd me. He kan kumm with yu waer? So I swallod my hart agin and telld him, We ar going tu tha Ten Towns. So he askd, Yu ar going wiht thos Suuniets agin, ar yu not? And I sayd, Yes. And he sayd, I warn yu, if yu bekum soft and week liek those Suunites, if yu refuus tu rais yur ax aginst won ork, or sho that ork mersey wen tha tiem kums, yu ar no longr miy dottr and yu will hav no mor home heer! But I wus alreddy owt tha door with Narth at my heels. Wy kan I not hav a bettr fathr than him?

Sistr Vantin wus pleesd to see Narth with me, and Elbri had bringd her littl sistr Ursia tuu. And all uv us chuusd wich uv tha Ten Towns tu go tu. Duugins Hole is closest, I sayd. We can go ther. Duugins Hole is a won-hors town, Leda sayd. We do not want u go ther. Segara askd, Wut abowt Gud Meed? It is not much furthr than Duugins Hole. But Leda sayd that Gud Meed is a tuu hors town, and won uv tha horses is lame. So not much bettr. Then wut abowt Eesthavin, Ursia askd? Yes, Eesthavin is gud. Eesthavin has a town skwaer and evrything.

So we ar sun tu mownt up and ried tu Eesthaven. I will rite mor on my return.
Corella d'Margo, arch-liar
Wyren Caul-of-Amber, alchemist
Tirah Het-Nanu, courtesan

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