Character Tumblrs!
Sooooooo... I spend a ridiculous amount of time on tumblr- my day job allows me 'net access, so I always have it open in a tab on my browser- and I'm curious if anyone else has made a tumblr for their NWN character!

I have four tumblrs myself, and I'm always looking for new RP tumblrs to follow!!

OOC: Angel Fox's OOC Tumblr

GW2: Guild Wars 2 Characters

NWN: Keth Stormrede

oWoD: Brandenburg, Virginia: Freak Central

If you have tumblrs, link them! I'd love to follow stalk everyone!
Lol, Professor X and Magneto besties 4 life.
(01-31-2014, 09:42 PM)DarkRanger Wrote: Lol, Professor X and Magneto besties 4 life.

Their bromance is so, so, SO epic. Pictures of them equal an instantaneous good mood for me.
Youngest old dudes ever.
What a super fun idea... I don't have any character tumblrs, but now I want one! Do you think of it kind of like a journal for your character?
(02-01-2014, 01:54 PM)MrsJones Wrote: What a super fun idea... I don't have any character tumblrs, but now I want one! Do you think of it kind of like a journal for your character?

I use Keth's both as an IC journal and to note things which either remind me of her or inspire me in regards to her, such as modern songs that have a particular feel which suits her or images which resonate with something in her life or personality.
A tumblr full of eagles, angry german, and minor marches? Sold.
"I can't get in there; it's locked up tighter than a chastity belt on a Red Wizard's daughter."
Well, what the hell... :D
Woohoo! I followed yours!
Yours too! And now I'm quite curious to meet Keth... lol.

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