Have we disabled Counterspell mode on this server? I can't seem to use it...
Currently Playing:

Galambos Thrune - Griffon Knight
Archibold Vanderdaghast - Palemaster
Anders Maerklos - Spellsword
Chessala Zolond - Yathrin d'Lolth
I've not touched a thing with Counterspells, however I've never tried using that mode - even in single player. It's never been reported not to work, but in the 20+ months the server has been up I couldn't tell you if anyone has actually even tried it...

I looked over the wiki site on it ( ) and it looks like you need a successful spellcraft roll for it to work. Is that happening for you? What spells are you trying to counterspell?
The problem with counterspelling on our server is that I cannot enter the "mode"... I cannot even assign the "mode" to a quick button like I can like in defensive casting... The countspelling icon in my rotary menu is "greyed out" lending me to have believed that it might have been disabled...
Currently Playing:

Galambos Thrune - Griffon Knight
Archibold Vanderdaghast - Palemaster
Anders Maerklos - Spellsword
Chessala Zolond - Yathrin d'Lolth
Hmmm...very strange indeed then. I am not aware of a way that counterspells can be disabled for the entire server. But I admit I know little about that aspect of NWN.

Does this behavior occur for anyone else?
yes i tested this and it is the same greyed out icon,.. can not assigned it..
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