Hassle in Thasselen
Hassle In Thasselen:
The people of Thasselen have a reputation for not being treated very well since Tharchion Thrul was elevated into his position.  However, their current troubles seem unrelated to their historical ones.

Beasts and wild animals are roaming near the city, attacking those who venture forth.  And there are rumors of a massing of trolls in the nearby swamp.  Will you travel to this tortured town to tackle their troubles?

If so, QuarterMaster Tenpox of the Legion and High Priestess Regina Shores of the Shrine of the Sea may have a reward for your efforts.  Meet at the Shrine of the Sea in Thasselen.

((This DM event is open to any interested characters and will start at 8:30 AM US CST on Sunday November 1. - Note: There is an hour back time change for the US this weekend - the event start time is already adjusted for that.  On the bright side, if you show up under the current time settings, you'll be an hour early, so you won't miss the event due to being late.))

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