The Thay Community - Introduce yourself
Hi all i'm Marcus, I play nwn for at least 14 years on and off I never beat chapter 1 in single player because Multiplayer is where it's at (In my eyes) I rped a lot on nwn 2 in bgtscc or sigil server, and some other pws that died unfortunately, It's good to have discovered Thay I feel i may be annoying on discord or type too much sometimes so i'll try to chillax and " calm down " i know i got adhd and other issues in my life. Every player i met here is great rper and fun people thanks for accepting me I will not break the rules and I look forward to rp and plot  <3
Hi there, I'm GreenMox!

I still remember that day, June 18th, 2002, when I finally held the box, the coveted box, in my hand. Since then I have been loving it!

I've hosted Daggerdale, then co-created (with my son) and hosted Mistledale, The Moonsea, and Mulmaster.  Our last project was Fate of the Realms, a storydriven adventure where you travelled to specific areas all around Faerûn and beyond, in a campaign of epic proportions., but life wanted otherwise and we had to abandon the project after three years of hard work.

Nevertheless, I've made many friends over the years and I still play with a small group that date back to Daggerdale. I might even invite them over, if I continue to be impressed.

Faeana Firebreeze - Wizard
Welcome GreenMox!
(08-08-2024, 04:33 PM)Halvtolv Wrote: Welcome GreenMox!
Thanks Halvtolv!

There's not much going on here. Why is that? I've seen plenty of players log in in-game.
Anyway, what a lovely place you've got here. :)
Faeana Firebreeze - Wizard
Welcome GreenMox :D

Sadly our playerbase fluctuates, and you joined relatively early into our years of time line, so if you stay, you have a few years left ahead of you for more lore driven events and fun :)

I hope you get to meet more of our players and join in our events along the way :)
Scientists say the universe is made up of electrons, neutrons and protons ... They forgot to mention morons!
(08-09-2024, 05:01 AM)Bela Wrote: Welcome GreenMox :D

Sadly our playerbase fluctuates, and you joined relatively early into our years of time line, so if you stay, you have a few years left ahead of you for more lore driven events and fun :)

I hope you get to meet more of our players and join in our events along the way :)
Thank you, Bela!
Oh, I'm more than willing to stick around. I really like it here. It's a bit lonely, is all. I also guess it's my time zone being CET.

I had the luck of running into Codi and we had a good RP exchange. Lorewise, I'm not too familiar with the setting, I'm more of a Moonsea and Dalelands sort of person, so this is all new to me and I love the setting. Also, it's cool to see the NUI implemented, thumbs up for that!

As mention before, I'm talking to my friends about them joining. Who knows what will happen? We'll see.

Anyhow, Cheers to a seemingly fine module.
Moxy out!
Faeana Firebreeze - Wizard
Thank you for your kind words :)

Balanor, our admin made this world pretty much on his own, but in recent years we had another join us who did all the NUI stuff :) We also have others on the team that have contributed to all of this.

I'm GMT so I tend to be around most days either as player or DM, also always have discord on from around 10 am to around 9pm - 10pm.

If you ever need DM help in those times feel free to PM me, I'll get back to you as soon as I see it.

I look forward to meeting your friends :D
Scientists say the universe is made up of electrons, neutrons and protons ... They forgot to mention morons!

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