On WingsOfPoetry! (Latest: Deserved Damnation)
"A shadows redemption"

I will dirty my tainted hands, with crimson,
So you don't have to, and forever remain clean.

I will paint with a brush of steel, violent strokes,
Make deep cuts and slashes, forever lost in sin.

I will use my soul as the stake, to pierce,
The heart of evil, and break the shackles of will.

Selfishly redeem myself through you, as martyr,
My new-found purpose, for whom myself I'm willing to kill.

So waste not your tears on me, as I take my final breath,
But rejoice as I've died without regret and with meaning.

Forever shall I be your shadow, watching your step,
Protect you from harm and the wicked, as you lay dreaming.

*Inspired by actual in-game events.*

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RE: A bit of creative writing mayhaps? - by WingsOfStardust - 11-22-2012, 10:24 PM

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