02-04-2013, 07:38 PM
On the caravan to Eltabarr, Caramiriel opens her book and writes,
" I still have to work for the flea bag. How many damned people does he know? No sooner had I got off the caravan and reported in when he told me I had to go to Amruthar. I do not mind travel as one's horizons should be broadened but the damn pay you recieve is not even half of a one way fare. Having gone and checked with the caravan master on the cost, I found I had barely half of the total trip price.
Since I was still dusty from the desert, I decided to go back to the graveyard and crypts. However this time I was not going to open any sarcophagi as thats were those mean undead children arose. I found enough gold and items to sell and with the meager payment recieved made it back to Tyraturos. I did not return to the beggar right away but went to the carvansari to freshen up and rest a bit.
I should of waited. Guess what? Yes that's right, I had to travel again but to one of the more expensive places on the list, Eltabbar, home of the red wizards. Luckily the graveyard and tombs proved profitable again.
I wonder what a city of red wizards looks like?"
The drover annouces their arrival and Caramiriel closes her book and puts it away.
" I still have to work for the flea bag. How many damned people does he know? No sooner had I got off the caravan and reported in when he told me I had to go to Amruthar. I do not mind travel as one's horizons should be broadened but the damn pay you recieve is not even half of a one way fare. Having gone and checked with the caravan master on the cost, I found I had barely half of the total trip price.
Since I was still dusty from the desert, I decided to go back to the graveyard and crypts. However this time I was not going to open any sarcophagi as thats were those mean undead children arose. I found enough gold and items to sell and with the meager payment recieved made it back to Tyraturos. I did not return to the beggar right away but went to the carvansari to freshen up and rest a bit.
I should of waited. Guess what? Yes that's right, I had to travel again but to one of the more expensive places on the list, Eltabbar, home of the red wizards. Luckily the graveyard and tombs proved profitable again.
I wonder what a city of red wizards looks like?"
The drover annouces their arrival and Caramiriel closes her book and puts it away.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander