The War Pig
Oskar Eisen

[Image: q85a.jpg]

The War Pig

Chapter One
+ Music: watch?v=oPaHE4P4wJ4

To Inquisitor Horz,
In service of the Three,

'I am afraid...'

That's all that came out of him. That's a shame, I'd hoped he would have spoken a few more words with all the trouble I went through tracking him down. On the other hand, he'd at least do the favor of speaking those few words after me having to wade through shit and blood to find his broken form. Not all victims of this particular beast have the fortitude to engage in that kind of courtesy.

He was a strong soul, all things considered.

People have a way of dying around this beast, that's common for most of their kind really, but this one is a bit special in that regard. I've yet to see many who die in a very neat or fashionable manner around it, it's like this particular query attracts individuals who leave behind corpses that could inhabit a Zhentarim horror show. Or maybe it just creates those kinds of individuals.

By all the Triad, that place... The metallic scent was heavy in the air, nauseating. It drowned out everything else, which might be a bit of a blessing, accounting for the feces. I've seen stuff like this before, back in Amn, but never from a humanoid. Humanoids don't tend to command exactly that level of fear from their prey. I should have known this orc would be a special case, you don't usually send me to track down the common rabble, but you could have given me a bit more intel on this being.

From what I understand it's not necessarily that this orc is all that much stronger than the majority of its kind. The beast is definitely in the heavier end, definitely above and beyond the norm. Strong orcs have been seen before, stronger still than this one. It possesses a bit of cruel cunning from what I have been told, but that's not uncommon either. I can't count the number of times I've had an orc Arcanist on my sheet, and as you surely know that if those beings are one thing, then they are cunning.

No, it inspires a dread alright, but it's not because it's very exceptional in any of the ways you'd imagine. I doubt it would inspire all that much fear if it was just a freakishly strong orc, or a freakishly cunning one. I think this beast sees some sort of perverse pleasure in being horrifying, or maybe there is just some dark part of its mind that demons inhabit. What kind of beast spends the time displacing internal organs for no discernible reason? What kind of beast, for that matter, spends the time staring at those dying in anguish, begging for release?

What could it possibly derive from that?

I will continue my search, Inquisitor. I hope that by its end I will not echo the sentiments of my most recent witness to this savagery. This beast will have to do more to put that darkness that resides within its hollow shell into my soul. By the Triad and by my own hand, this beast shall know fear wholly unlike the kind it has caused. It shall learn to fear my name, and the sacred light of the Triad. It shall slither back into whatever demon pit it crawled from, by my name.

With the blessings of the Three,
And in the service of Torm the True,
Oskar Eisen, Inquisitor Adept of Damara
"We are convinced that liberty without socialism is privilege, injustice; and that socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality."
- Mikhail Bakunin, September 1867

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The War Pig - by EdinSumar - 11-02-2013, 03:51 AM

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