Chronicles of Caramiriel
In her study, in her home, Caramiriel takes the journal out of her desk, opens and writes.

" Ever since the start of the disappearance of magic panic has increased especially the common people. This panic reached its peak recently here in Bezantur. Rumors had been flying about in regards to what god took the tablets. Reports were coming in that a group of these rabble rousers were gathering in the south market. As it seemed the few legionnaires there where disinterested in the proceedings, Garic and myself decided to make a more visible presence.

The ring leader was calling for the people to storm the temples of Mask, Bane, and Myrkul as they were sure one or all of these gods took the tablets which anger Ao.
This could not be allowed especially against Bane and Mask who more than likely would bring down a wholesale slaughter and with the appearance of some of the followers of Bane increased that possibilty.

Watching the gathering was the bard known as DeeDee who tried to distract the rabble with questions. Garic and I tried with responses to questions asked but it seemed this group had their minds set. Garic offeredto stay and I went to inform the captain of the situation. Naturally she was livid, but would not send any more troops at the moment as she felt the citadel needed to be defended. Sighing, I saluted her and went back to Garic.

Upon my return to the market, some others had arrived, Hazlok an apprentice, Koriseil a legionairre from Amurthar, Djed a follower of Bhaal, Cyrus a legionnaire of Aloar, Grace legionnaire of Tyraturos, a hin named Lil Crow, a goblin named Grepto, a mulan man name Rahzim, and human woman named Sylonara.

I called the legionairres over to inform them of the captain's orders. Garic and I although of the Priador were not ranked but the others were all Lieuteants. I suggested since he was most senior of the legionairres, Cyrus should lead. Modest man that he is he declined at first saying he was out of jursidiction I told him that we needed to forget where we served and show a united front a the law of Thay, which we all were. While we were discussing tactics the crowd was trying to blame the legion in general for not finding the tablets and were shocked we did not includ Hazlok in our discussion. Rhazim and Djed were quietly observing. The crowd were shocked when Hazlok defended his exclusion by mentioning we answered to higher authorties that being of thay and our Tharchion who was also a Zulkir.

It was decided to placate the mob, we would search the the three temples mentioned but inform the priests before we did. We returned and motioned the others to us and told them of the plan. As although only an apprentice, it was decided that Hazlok would present our case to the priest and that Garic and myself would be 'officially' representatives of the legion and the law.

Cyrus tried to disuade the crowd once more from their rash actions threatening that Garic and I would lock them all in the citadel of corrections. The rabble would not be persuaded and started their run to the temples. Myself and the others quickly persued them most were killed instantly or died from their wounds. I was sickened but continued trying only to wound them. We cornered one and rather than kill them we them to go back and tell the stragglers what happens to those who break the laws.

Our first stop was the temple of Myrkul. Hazlok explained our reason for being there backed up by Djed and Cyrus. The three had barely finished when an irate rabble rousers attacked screaming death to those who follow Myrkul. Suffice it to say after the priest witnessed the fight he reluctantly let us search. After some time there was no evidence to be found which was not surprising but at least we had proof that we were 'doing' our jobs as the law and told the rabble who were outside.

The next stop was the temple of Bane. However we had barely stepped inside when we were attacked.Although we managed to take the attackers down some small fires had started and we attempted to put them out. Again a search was done and no evidence was found and the rabble told the same.

The temple of Mask was the one place none of us really wanted to enter let alone upset do to there influence in Thay but we needed to do it. We entered the temple and cautiously looked around to find the priestess. Hazlok decided to speak to the one known as the White Witch. Naturally she was indigent and threatened all with repricussions if we did search and did not take her word that they did not have the tablets. We stopped and got drinks before leaving the temple.

On our way back, we spotted who we thought the ring leader was an orc named Hagdish. We surrounded him. Although the designated leader of the day's earlier action, Cyrus declined to make the arrest and turned the responsibilty over to me.
I told the orc of the charges and our authority to take him in. Naturally he refused to come quietly and the chase was on. He was eventually subdued and lead back to the citadel and the Captain.

I saluted her and gave my report and credit to those who assisted most notably Cyrus,Grace and Korisel. Hazlok mentioned he should be executed and we agreed.
It was suggested his head replace the corpse on the captain's door but then it was decided his head to be placed on a pike where the public would see. The orc was taken outside and since his axe was the sharpest, Garic severed the head and placed it on the pike leaving the body to rot. Garic then in a loud voice shouted to the assembeld crowd that rebllion would not be tolerated and any who do would share the orc's fate.

This was the first time I had particpated in the darker side of the legion and felt unclean and prayed I would not have to do another action like this too soon. Yet looking again at the orc's head I realized that if I did not adhere to my duties I could suffer his fate or worse.

With the exception of the goblin I invited all who wished to refresh themselves at my home. After some time people left and went their seperate ways. "
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander

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RE: Chronicles of Caramiriel - by Animayhem - 11-24-2015, 08:26 PM

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