Vareth Agneh: Memoirs
23rd of Kythorn 1359 DR

I have thrown the lot of the Church of Moander in with the Kossuthans through the act of aiding Drake Jay Asher against the Bezantur faction of Talassians, culminating in the annihilation of Stormlord Argoth and his servitors. It could be no other way, as both the Darkbringer and the Firelord seek to spread warmth, and are thus natural allies. I am loath to admit that a (useless) Tymoran priest, Barry Webber, was with us during this conflict. It took great self-control not to strike him down, and were it not for Drake Asher's request I probably would have. I pray that you can forgive me this forbearance, O' Great Dread God.

During the battle Talos Himself sent lightning while we were deep within the Bezantur crypts and made the earth tremble--a worrisome indicator of what is to come.

Note to self: the slave, Delia Erianei, is a burden on the good Drake and is likely to lead to his fall in more ways than one in the future. As he will not take sound advice, find a way to mitigate this outcome. Drake Asher risked too much during these events on her behalf as it is.

Messages In This Thread
Vareth Agneh: Memoirs - by Possibilitas - 11-28-2013, 07:11 PM
RE: Vareth Agneh: Memoirs - by Possibilitas - 12-05-2013, 08:04 PM
RE: Vareth Agneh: Memoirs - by Possibilitas - 01-29-2014, 06:46 PM
RE: Vareth Agneh: Memoirs - by Possibilitas - 02-02-2014, 08:42 PM
RE: Vareth Agneh: Memoirs - by Possibilitas - 02-03-2014, 12:02 AM

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