Chronicles of Caramiriel
Shaken but relieved, in her home, Carmiriel opens her book and writes.

"Magic has returned and things are starting to return to normal in Thay, that is if anyone can call Thay normal. I had finished my patrol in the north sector and was nearing the gate to Markettown when I saw many people around. I did not know if they had just arrived or were going. Many where those I had become acquainted with and some I did not know.
There was Maisri the owner of the Needful Stuff store of which I have frequented and know I finally see the face behind the store, the hin Lil Crow, Cyrus, Mason, Djed, Grace, Koriseil, and Hazlok. I had walked near Cyrus to tell me what transpired in Murbant and he promised he would later.

Mason who is usually reserved was rather chatty and revealed some more things and his beliefs, the hin was so sure that my panther would eat her to which I replied he would ignore unless she atacked me and as a rule he doesn't eat hins as they give him indigestion. She was somewhat placated but wary and was almost a corpse as she was irritating Mason and Djed. It seemed magic returned and those of us who were casters tried by casting the weakest of spells. Small talk continue and then Rahzim arrived a Mulan who helped us put down the rabble rousers and reluctantly I dismissed Yith since Djed requested it. Another woman joined us named Shea whom Cyrus knew and was attached to the Moszabbar legion.
When I metioned that maybe what magic was restored, some how brought people to Bezantur the city of temples. Some where shocked but many agreed to the possibilty but before we could persue the conversation further a massive earthquake suddenly occurred followed by a massive random bolt of lightning. Although natural occurrences, ligtning appearing out of nowhere on a clear and cloudless sky was none the less unnerving.

It seemed magic had returned somewhat yet was still wild and unstable. We who could cast tried not to as things were so unstable but in the heat of battle one often resorts to common practices. However we paid a high price as afetr a massive surge we found ourselves transported into an undeground cavern by which we were immediately beset upon by orcs.Once the battle was over there was a slight debate about how we could of gotten here, that is to say where here was. After some moments Hazlok decided that we were in the Wolrd's End Dungeon under Thazar Keep. We had little time to talk as parts of the cavern were collapsing and we had to keep moving. It seemed as if we were being purposely lead to a final point unknown.

We faced foes worse than the orcs, earth elementals, golems made from clay, stone, and finally golems of the void. It was during this time we were slowly getting our divine powers back, making the battles a bit easier. After what seemed like an eternity we were done and found our selves in a wide part of the cavern.We were exhausted wounded and frustated at not having gotten out but yet took some comfort that the god's had returned. After having rested, a white figure appeared however I was not to hear what the figure had to say nor join those with me in leaving. For some unknown reason and by some unknown hand I was taken away. I was not dead, in fact I remembered nothing after seeing the figure. I awoke in the courtyard outside of the keep. I looked about for anyone but noone was around. I checked with the carvan driver and they had left hours before I awoke. The driver told me a large party went to Tyraturos so I opted to go there hoping to find someone and get answers. I arrived and through inquiries found that some were at the Red Trident.

As I was headed towards the stairs I ran into Sylonara we exchanged brief pleasantries and shortly afterwards, Mason came down and by looking at him one could sense he had a life changing experience although he was still bloodied from the battle. He also told me that Bhaal, Bane and Myrkul are all deadand that another named Cyric has assumed their portfolios. I bade Mason and Slyonara farewell and headed upstairs and knocked on the door which was opened by the owner of Needful Stuff , Maisri Kenson who seemed a bit annoyed though tired. In the room was Djed,Koriseil and Shea who also looked exhausted.I could sense that Djed was also changed and did not feel like talking but managed to impart that since the other three were dead he was a follower of Cyric. Briefly I was told of demons and other planars thay Mystra was dead and relaced by a person named Midnight. I bid them farewell and headed back to Bezantur the fatigue finally starting to hit me.

I arrived in Bezantur and at the market I ran into Cyrus and Hazlok. I explained to them what happened and why I was not at the end with them. I also told Cyrus of my discomfort during the search for answers as I felt some enity possesed me briefly to give me the answers asked by the priests. It was suggested I follow Cyrus and Hazlok to Aloar where I would be told of what happened in Murbant.
I was still tired and tried to follow as best as I could the conversation going back and forth between the two. Luckily I had the foresight to have a book, quill and ink on hand to record it.

Cyrus Najera: "Some sort of exploding bottle, next thing we knew we were on a ship, and Melody was there too.Kept talking about our host who turned out to be Anhur incarnate."

Hazlok Thrune: "One wonders why a god invited a bard along.

Cyrus Najera: "She was there to get the tale and write a song about it."

Hazlok Thrune: "But to record the tale, I suppose. I suppose that's Anhur's kind of thing then...."

Cyrus Najera: "Anyway, Anhur was quite mad at us for sending the sahaguian towards Mulhorand."

Hazlok Thrune: "Right, from the sinking of the fleet."

Cyrus Najera: "So we were to fight them, keep them away from his fight with Sekolah. After he had slain the god shark, he asked if any were pure enough to handle his spear."

Hazlok Thrune: "When their lord made it through the barrier, I was worried it would go poorly for us. Maisri took it though. She said she won't sell it in her shop."

I then found out that Cyric was the one who returned the tablets but where they were discovered Cyrus did not know. He also reassured me that my role in this whole affair was as a guide as I did provide information which helped end this mess in its various stages. I bid the two farewell and returned to think over all that had happened."

Caramiriel closes her book and sets it down on the table and goes to her shrine to meditate on the future and to give thanks that she survived.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander

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Chronicles of Caramiriel - by Animayhem - 01-27-2013, 01:41 PM
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RE: Chronicles of Caramiriel - by Animayhem - 11-24-2015, 08:26 PM

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