Chronicles of Caramiriel
Relaxing in her home, Caramiriel opens her journal and writes.

" I will admit that when I was told by the clan soothsayer that my destiny was to join the Priador legion, I had doubts. A solider was really not a common occupation for a Druid to persue yet I was reminded that I would no longer be in a place where I could be a full Druid. My breeding was also a factor that Elves, even half breeds were quite valuable as slaves.

I arrived in Bezantur and settled in my home and began to get acquainted with my new life away from the forests. I will admit my arrival to Bezantur was not as I had hoped. I did not join right away but got used to the areas and reconditioned my skills for life in what could be laughingly called civilization. I met many people who aided me in my tasks but also tried to show me alternatives to the legion.

What was frustrating was the commander of the Priador legion in Bezantur a fellow Druid and follower of Silvanus as myself, Captain Azura was not recruiting so I had to go to Thasselen. The master sergeant there was quite grumpy but accepted me. I decided however to stay local and take tasks from the captain. The quests ranged from simplistic research to traveling to exremely dangerous places for various objects. I could swear she was trying to kill me. However she was not the only one as the assassins are getting more and more brazen.

In between her tasks I did tasks for others to acquire much needed equipment as my limited funds went to expenses, especially adding things to my home and the taxes. I finally acquired the rank of sergeant and was able to call on a fellow legionnaire to assist me. Those that assisted were decent enough but I think ones the legion wanted to get rid of. I was not long a sergeant when I was promoted to a lieutenant. It seemed the capatain's tasks were more and more dangerous. Having assisted others with theirs, I managed to save up gold and was able to buy some of the items.

Since the what has been called the Time of No magic, I have pretty much stayed out of major battles due to various quests. However, when the Zulkir, Omnipotence Szass Tam called for loyal Thayans to gather and prevent the barabians horde from attacking, I decided to go. It was good to see others of the Priador and other legions gathered as a united front. Although we saw no action, I guess the mere fact I went and was willing to die for Thay impressed the Captain that she promoted me to Captain. She is still the senior officer and commander.

The fact that another woman, a half elf and Druid has achieved such rank in what some have called a joke of a legion, may bring even more into our ranks. It seems outside of the Riders of the Unicorns we have more recruits.

Daxos, who was recently promoted to sergeant heroically volunteered to act as a "guide" for the Horde through Shar's pass. If he returns he will make a fine Knight in the future.

Elira his sister and also a lieutenant needs to be watched closely as she is a dragon disciple which is unable to keep that nature in check.

Inge is a natural born soldier and I have hugh hopes for her future in the legion.

Vanya a lieutenant I do not know that much about but to achieve her rank must have impressed someone.

Garic a lieutenant and good friend who joined around the same time I did is also a good soldier and why not yet a captain I do not know.

Pressure and more eyes will be on me know as well as my enemies and assassins stronger. It is survival of the fittest and I must concentrate on that and watch my back. I have comfort in knowing though I have many friends."

She finishes her wine, closes the book and heads to bed.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander

Messages In This Thread
Chronicles of Caramiriel - by Animayhem - 01-27-2013, 01:41 PM
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Recollections - by Animayhem - 11-04-2015, 07:09 PM
RE: Chronicles of Caramiriel - by Animayhem - 11-24-2015, 08:26 PM

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