Maia al'Reen
Maia al'Reen

[Image: MaiaThayPortrait_zps7488754e.jpg]


Height: 5 feet 4 inches
Weight: 110 lbs.
Eyes: Her eyes are such a deep blue that they are almost a lilac, with flecks of the silver blue in them
Lips: full heart shaped lips
Hair: Straight and Deep Dark Red. It hangs down to her lower back
Complexion: Her complexion is flawless and tanned from the sun.
Age: 30
Race: Human

She is free of tattoo's but she does have a brand on her right hip. It is a stylish "A" with vines intertwining around it. She is not shy about this brand and it is often exposed when she wears low rise pants.

Mother of Three:
Dylene 13
Aaron 8
Aderyn 3

Maia is very friendly and out going. She often spends time chatting with those she has never met before. She is not one to stand around and stare at the street in silence, so strangers tend to not be strangers to her for long. She tries to make the fact she judges no one by how they look, or what heritage they were born into obvious in her interactions with everyone.

Life on her own has had many good times and many not so good times. Maia has stumbled her way through trying to figure out many things and by far the most difficult for her has been dealing with relationships with others. This once easy going, vivacious woman is now more languid and generally less ambitious to meet new people. While by no means rude to others, she is merely less likely to extend her hand to those she does not know. Her overall view on life has gone from keeping herself open to meet strangers and let their actions speak for themselves, to one of caution. Life thus far has taught her that generally others are out there to take what anyone foolish enough to give them will give, but when it comes down to it they only give of themselves when it is convenient for them to do so.

For a long time she had a bad habit of biting her tongue and holding back her thoughts when frustrated or pissed about something. However she is working on speaking her mind before she blows up from the built up frustration.

She is generally patient but has a very hard time remaining patient with repeated issues, problems or annoyances. First time shame on whatever or whoever it is, after the first time though it is shame on her for letting it happen repeatedly.

Maia keeps her past very much to herself. As far as she is concerned her life restarted when she and her husband, Aerick, found themselves in Thay. Despite missing her children she is glad they are home safe and she knows full well there is sufficient gold in their accounts to ensure they continue to be well taken care of. It does her no good to dwell on what was lost, so she refuses to do so.


Maia is now a Lieutenant in the Tyraturos Legion. Ironically she is now actually thankful for the lessons her Father insisted upon in tactics and fencing. At the time when he included them in her curriculum she really did not understand why he did it and she hated them. Though to be honest she likely hated them, as well as every other lesson she was provided, because of the fact he only ensured she learned what he deemed would improve her qualities as a wife. Which in turn would according to him improve whom he could marry her off to.

Learning to slip out of her bedroom so one day she could escape his plans definitely was not one of the lessons he taught her, but it was one of the most important lessons she ever learned. For because of her talent with climbing from her bedroom she was able to escape and eventually find the only husband she would ever want. Fate has a way of knowing just how much one woman can bear because if she had ended up in Thay without Aerick, she likely would not have been able to pull herself up to face this new life with nearly as much ease as she had. Having left her children behind is enough heartache, having also been separated from her husband as well would have been heartbreaking.

Settled into Tyraturos they will both do their best to rebuild what was lost and make a new life for themselves in, in the land of the Red Wizards.

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Maia al'Reen - by MsB - 01-16-2014, 05:51 PM

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