Entry 12
I think… a kiss on the hand can be sweeter than one on the lips. Not an explosion, but… like the sparks when flint strikes steel, making your pulse race a little and your cheeks warm. I keep finding my fingers unconsciously touching the spot on the back of my hand where Aethe’s lips lingered.
I am hopeful about this… which scares me, but there’s no turning back now.
Entry 13
Well that was a stressful day… thank the gods for large cups of tea and sudsy tubs. I never thought I’d play the part of counselor to anyone.
Started out just fine. Ran into Talon, who I hadn’t seen in quite some time. He seemed to be chatting with Lieutenant Locke and an ethereal-looking little elf, and I was just about to say hello and ask how he was doing when he stormed off, seemingly out of the blue. I pursued him, out of curiosity and concern, and after some sweet coaxing and prodding, discovered that it had entirely to do with Locke… I won’t repeat the details of the conversation here, for fear of causing further strife if it were discovered, but jealousy seemed to be the root cause of the problem.
Luckily, Talon seemed to realize this all on his own and calmed down enough to smooth things over with Locke. It’s hard to see someone you consider a friend so distressed and… lost. And outright confrontation is just not my thing - frays my nerves to the last. I doubt this will be the end of their feud… jealousy isn’t the sort of thing you can just sweep under the rug and forget about, but we’ll see. I don’t give a goblin’s toe about most of the world, but I don’t like to see my friends hurt.