Attention Dwarves of Thay
A few points about the faction:

1) I am looking to build an underground meeting place in Tyraturos. By underground, I don't mean invisible, or secret....I mean literally underground. A grand door leading from the surface into a large cavern. The area will have a merchant that will sell the finest Dwarfed brewed ale in the lands, as well as other sundries. There will be small shrines dedicated to the Dwarven Gods so folks can come in and pray if they wish. There will also be a private meeting hall, and private barracks area, which will be perfect for sleeping off all that fine Dwarven craft brewed ale. Tyraturos is the logical choice, as it appears to be a hub for non-Thayans of all races, so locating it there would make it the most accessible for all Dwarves. If anyone has alternate suggestions, I am totally open at this point.

2) For those interested, for the near term, you can show your loyalty to Khazad Thay, the faction colors are Dark Honey Gold and hidden silver. Helmets in those colors, and/or tower shields of any style in gold (or large shields with holy symbols of the Dwarven Deities) will suffice.

I am starting t save my sheckles for the cost of construction.

If you see me around in game, come on up and say hullo.

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RE: Dorfs! - by Necromancing the Stone - 03-20-2014, 01:08 PM

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