Chronicles of Caramiriel
Sitting on one of the benches outside her home, Cara opens her book and writes.

" It started out like any other day, walkinging around a preaching in Tyra. I headed towards Waukeen's to see if any more have responded to my request for aid with my quest. Several people were there and some had heard of my quest as well as that of Daeris. They seemed eager to help us both and it was decided to try and accomplish Daeris' quest first as it would be the shorter of the two. We managed to complete here quest and we were thinking of doing mine when a few people had to leave. We decided with rest we could do it, however the message Maera recieved changed our plans. It was from one of the Tribunes of Eltabarr asking assistance in regards to the disturbances under the sewers.

Myself, Daeris,Maera,Kallien and Sidarian decided to see the Tribune. Ever since we had destroyed the Eye of Veneca, we were determined to try and destroy the Dragonflesh Golem left behind and this seemed to be the time. We met with Tribune Dipren Qarto who was a bit irked that Brandon was not with us. He outlined his plans during which Maera had a raven sent to Mistress Renee. The briefing was done and we went out and waited for Mistress Renee by the sewer gate. Maera briefed her on the objectives and she agreed to go. The tribune supplies a runner as a go bewteen between his troops and us.

Mindful of the tremors and falling debris we managed to fight our way through a mirad of creatures until we finally faced and defeated the Dragon golem after a long and hard fought fight. It was determined however that another sweep of the carvens should be done to be sure the worse were gone. The sewers were common areas adventurers were sent to find items. Again battling our way back we made it to the caverns where we faced demons and Dhjinn amongst other things. On our way up we battled Yuanti and mephits. Satisfied the sewers and caverns were clear we all headed up where we met the Tribune.

He was glad we were successful but the fight had caused him heavy losses. As customary he offered us gold for our services. We turned it down sayiing we did this as our duty to Thay and that use the money for the famlies of the fallen. We had gather enough items that we could sell and get a modest amount of gold.

We got on a carvan to Tyraturos and went our seperate ways. It is a shame that when we destroyed the eye the curse was not broken but a least we finished up the task started."

Weary, she closes her book and heads for bed.

Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander

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Chronicles of Caramiriel - by Animayhem - 01-27-2013, 01:41 PM
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RE: Chronicles of Caramiriel - by Animayhem - 11-24-2015, 08:26 PM

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