Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur!
[Image: ZelisDiaryHeader.jpg]
(I'll finish it later. I'm sleepy.)

Big Tiem: Midle uv Summr
Small Tiem: Sun Seting

Sistr Vantin sayd that I shud keep this buk and yus it tu riet down mi lief expeerinses. Tha bettr tu help me luv lief and the wurld arownd us, she sayd. Tha Soonites teechd me tu reed and riet, so mabey I shud lissen tu her.

Fathr dus not trust the Soonites, seys that they cumd tu leed us frum Uthgars teechings. Luv and buety ar distrax destrakshun things that steel owr fokus. Survivul is all that mattrs. So seys Fathr. But Fathr, I sayed, lief is hard undr Grate Uthgar's hevens! Gud things make lief gud and wurth living, so mabey tha Soonites hav a point. So Fathr throwd his ale on me and telld me tu get owt uv his hut. So I leeved and goed to fiend owr stuupid dog Wulf-Rayzr.

Wen I wus luking for Wulf-Rayzr abowt twu leegs frum home, sum robbr kumd owt frum behind a boldr and startd twurling his kwartrstaff. He sayd tu giv him all uv my koin. I telld him I am Uthgartdt, so I hav no koins. He telld me to giv him wutevr I had. I telld him Mabey yu shud giv me wutevr yu hav! He startd screeming abowt leeving me ded in a dich, so I drawd my ax and choppd his fase. That showd him!

Lief is gud.

Big Tiem: Stil Midl uv Summr
Small Tiem: Horses ar grazing

By tha Teeth uv Pegasus, I kannot waet for tha Huntrs Muun Danse! Korr Won-Arrow is tha purfekt stud and I hoep tu ried a nobl horse intu tha sunset with him won day. He wud do well to ask me tu tha danse, and I will drag him ther by his haer if I must.

But Leda Dottr-uv-Lethak is a fathrless, onurless harlut with no fathr, and Leda telld me tu stay away frum Korr. So I telld her Wy wud he wont yu? Yu hav yet tu finish yur Riet uv Womunhud! Yu ar still a littl gurl! So she sayd I will sho yu how a womun fites! And she kikd me in tha nethrs. So I pulld her haer and dragd her tu tha grownd and punchd her in tha gullet three tiems! Then Kelig Breth-uv-Griffins kumd ovr, throwd me off that goet-sird bich and telld us tu stop fiting. Keligs fathr owns twentee horses, so thers is tha most porsper prosprus weltheest famly in owr tribe. So we stopd. Mabey I shall get a chans tu burn her uglee hair off latr. Uglee littl gurl hair. Ha!

Muthr just telld me tu go cach sum fish for owr evning meel. Wer dued my stuupid bruthr leev owr fishing pol this tiem? I rekun I shud go and fiind it or Muthr will start throwing things agin.

If yu ar reeding this buk, Narth, yu ar verily a stuupid littl bruthr and yu need tu stop luzing things! Now get yur wurmy hands off mi diry!
Corella d'Margo, arch-liar
Wyren Caul-of-Amber, alchemist
Tirah Het-Nanu, courtesan

Messages In This Thread
Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur! - by Wids - 06-16-2014, 04:30 AM
RE: Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur! - by Wids - 06-19-2014, 04:14 AM
RE: Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur! - by Wids - 06-19-2014, 08:16 PM
RE: Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur! - by Wids - 06-24-2014, 02:35 PM

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