Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur!
Big Tiem: Late Summr
Small Tiem: Moon is Tuching tha Sumit uv Mount Dethspindel or Wutever Its Naemd

By tha will uv Mitey Uthgar, and the shado uv Grate Pegasus, and the ire uv all my ansestors, I now call tha blud venjenss aginst Segara Stag-Cantr, hu barrod my favrit brown wolfskin cloke, then refusd tu giv it bak, then layd it on tha grownd, then layd down on it with Korr Won-Arro and shaerd her luving embrase with him and ruind my gud cloke with ther druul and othr juces! May tha gods grant mersey untu Segara, for I shall not!

Big Tiem: Laet Summr
Small Tiem: Leir Hands-uv-Gold is milking tha goets

Sistr Vantin sayd that I am not allowd to call blud venjenss aginst Segara Stag-Cantr ovr ruining my cloke and takin Korr. And Muthr, Fathr and Baram Wolf-Eldr all agre with her. But now Korr will nevr take me tu tha Huntrs Mun Danse, I sayd! Now he will luv that bull-mowntd, horn-sucking, scab-farming wench and not me! It mattrs not, sayd Baram Wolf-Eldr. Such venjenss is nevr tu be calld aginst those uv the tribe. Such venjenss is tu be calld aginst a tru enimy hu wud destroy all wut we hold deer, hu wud see all wut yu hav builded burnd, hu wud salt tha urth and leev yu to starv, and hu wud at long last end yur miseree by skattering yur entrales tu tha Forr Winds.

But Wize Eldr, I askd, dus Segara Stag-Cantr not fit such a desk diskep diskripshun? He sayd no. Segara is thotless, caerless and mayhap tuu free with tha fier in her loins. But she is blud of Pegasus, as ar yu. And she is not yur enemey, or she wud du far wors than fowling yur cloke and claeming he hum yu desier most.

And he givd his kownsel. I am yung and fuulish. In tiem, I shall lern wut mattrs most in lief. I shall lern wut is wurth blud and battel, and I shall lern wut is not. And, he sayd, tho I am far frum tru wisdum, I du demu dimonstr demostrat sho a grate talent for insulting peepl. Sumtiems, tha best fite is a battl uv wurds, not a battl uv blaeds.

I haet it wen Eldr Baram Wolf-Eldr is rite. But he sed naut abowt punching Segara and throing her intu the muddey rivr mire. I will settl for duing that.

Lief in tha Spien uv tha Wurld is unfaer sumtiems.
Corella d'Margo, arch-liar
Wyren Caul-of-Amber, alchemist
Tirah Het-Nanu, courtesan

Messages In This Thread
Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur! - by Wids - 06-16-2014, 04:30 AM
RE: Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur! - by Wids - 06-19-2014, 04:14 AM
RE: Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur! - by Wids - 06-19-2014, 08:16 PM
RE: Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur! - by Wids - 06-24-2014, 02:35 PM

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