Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur!
Big Tiem: Tha Nekst Day
Small Tiem: Cujjel Creek is fludding agin

Sistr Vantin rowsd us frum owr huts and owr tents afor sunrize. She sayd Dress yurselfs and fech yur horses, gurls, becuz we ar going on a shopping trek! But we ar wimen, I sayd, not gurls. Eksept for Leda. Yu can call her a littl gurl all yu want. And Leda givd me a nastey luk, but Sistr Vantin ignord me and made redy for tha jurney.

So we eatd strips uv wild pork and drinkd brown ael for brekfist, and Korge askd, Sistr Vantin! How are we going shopping in tha Ten Towns if we hav no gold or coppr? I sayd, We cud ask owr cheeftin, Jerek Wolf-Slayr if we cud borro sum coyn. No, sayd Sistr Vantin, yu du not ask the cheeftin uv yur trieb if yu can borro muney frum him. So I askd, Wut abowt owr shaman, Valrik Hie-Eiy? He killd Jerek Wolf-Slayr's sun, yet he is stil owr shaman and Cheeftin Jerek will not lift a fingr aginst him, Korge sayd. Ar yu reeley going tu ask him for muney? So Segara sayd, Wut abowt Wulfgar, that Elk warryur frum Isewind Dael? He is probley verey rich! We cud fiend him and ask him for sum gold. No, sayd Sistr Vantin, we du not ask renownd heeros if we can borro muney.

So wut uthr opshuns du we hav? Sistr Vantin askd, Well, wut du Uthgardt du? Segara sayd, We sharpn blaeds, fite orcs and kill things! Vantin sayd, Yes, but wut els? Elbri sayd We ried horses swiftr than tha mowntin gaels! Vantin sayd, Yes, but wut else? So we thinkd for a wile, then Segara sayd, We hunt and fish and maek lether and cut wood and maek guds for trad? And Vantin sayd, Yes, eksaktley! So go get any hieds and skins, speers, smoekd fish or wutevr els you maed, then we can tak it all tu town and traed it for coin. So I ran bak tu owr hut to fech tha driyd wolf skins frum my last hunt.

Narth stopd me and askd wut I wus duing. I telld him to shut his mowth and go bothr sumwon els. So he startd hopping up and down and saying Tell me tell me tell me! So I sayd, All rite! Sistr Vantin is taeking us tu town so we kan trad furs and biy things. So he sayd Taek me with yu, Big Sistr! And I sayd No! And he sayd Taek me with yu! And I sayd, All rite, yu can kum! Just shut yur mowth!

But Fathr wus rite behiend me, and he surprizd me. He kan kumm with yu waer? So I swallod my hart agin and telld him, We ar going tu tha Ten Towns. So he askd, Yu ar going wiht thos Suuniets agin, ar yu not? And I sayd, Yes. And he sayd, I warn yu, if yu bekum soft and week liek those Suunites, if yu refuus tu rais yur ax aginst won ork, or sho that ork mersey wen tha tiem kums, yu ar no longr miy dottr and yu will hav no mor home heer! But I wus alreddy owt tha door with Narth at my heels. Wy kan I not hav a bettr fathr than him?

Sistr Vantin wus pleesd to see Narth with me, and Elbri had bringd her littl sistr Ursia tuu. And all uv us chuusd wich uv tha Ten Towns tu go tu. Duugins Hole is closest, I sayd. We can go ther. Duugins Hole is a won-hors town, Leda sayd. We do not want u go ther. Segara askd, Wut abowt Gud Meed? It is not much furthr than Duugins Hole. But Leda sayd that Gud Meed is a tuu hors town, and won uv tha horses is lame. So not much bettr. Then wut abowt Eesthavin, Ursia askd? Yes, Eesthavin is gud. Eesthavin has a town skwaer and evrything.

So we ar sun tu mownt up and ried tu Eesthaven. I will rite mor on my return.
Corella d'Margo, arch-liar
Wyren Caul-of-Amber, alchemist
Tirah Het-Nanu, courtesan

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Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur! - by Wids - 06-16-2014, 04:30 AM
RE: Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur! - by Wids - 06-19-2014, 04:14 AM
RE: Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur! - by Wids - 06-19-2014, 08:16 PM
RE: Zelis Diry uv Big Thayun Advenchur! - by Wids - 06-24-2014, 02:35 PM

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