Devilish Delight
The book before you seems to be leatherbound, a small Knucklehead Trout Scrimshaw decoration hanging off the corner of it, adding to its weight. The front features the name "Milli Ashford," and you can't help but notice a number of pages seem to be mildly water damaged. The leather is wrinkled, and seems to almost take on the appearance of a face. Opening up the intricate book, you begin to read...

Property of Millianos Ashford
May this book serve as a recollection of my thoughts and memories, my mark on this strange world of magic and thievery. Please refrain from reading it if you're the sort to become upset over silly things like death, sex, lies, torture, and all of those other ills upon this world. You'll probably have nothing good to find here.

You can't help but notice right off the bat that despite Milli's rather poor speech, the front page and those further down feature intricate writing, as if using a "proper" form in comparison. Details are important in each symbol, and if you were to read it aloud, it would sound nothing like the Tiefling.


Father bought me this journal today as a present for mastering the basics of Undercommon... I'm unsure how my being able to understand it will come in handy given I have no plans to ever visit the Underdark, but he says that Captain Taerl will appreciate it. It's the first gift he has bought me in nearly five years.

I'll cherish it always...


I understand why they wanted me to learn Undercommon now. Taerl has recently taken a liking to some Drow whore who came from distant lands. Still, I question why father has taken such a liking to Taerl when he's been working under Baram for years? What is he up to?


Father screwed up big time... He was supposed to change the logs of some merchant ship, but accidentally messed with the tower's materials log. We're sending my younger siblings to go live with Aunt Stephanie in case things take a turn for the worse...


Luckily things have smoothed over. We sent my older sister to talk things over with the tower. I'm not sure how Angie manages to keep things under control, but they only requested a fine to pay for the mistake... Angie says she's found a new job to make ends meet, but I'm worried what sort of business that is, considering her lack of skills... Father says I need to double up on my studies, that it's important to learn as much as I can. That's easy for him to say though, I've seen the way he shacks up with that Elven whore when he's supposed to be working...

I think I'll go find some drunkards and try practicing that trick Billy showed me.


Made some good coin, helped cover bills... Father just seemed so... Proud of me. It's a good feeling. Angie has been looking more and more tired lately. I think she got sick yesterday.


I've been watching the docks a lot more lately. The folk there seem rather uncouth to passerbys, but they are a good lot, they care for their own. One of them approached me the other day... My tail was hidden, and he couldn't see my horns over my hat. Probably thought I was just some kid along the docks.


Seems I was right about being worried about what line of work Angie was in. She's pregnant.

Father thinks it's one of the wizards at that tower. There's not much we can do until the child's born. With Angie out of work though, I'm going to have to pick up a job.


Angie had the problem taken care of... A merchant from the far east came through with a tea that got rid of our problem.


Oh, I knew this would happen! I was out again last night collecting easy pickings when one of my targets found out and grabbed my tail! It didn't help that they were one of Baram's men... I managed to kick him away, but other people saw what happened, and saw my face...


Father has been wondering why I've been inside these last few days. No more meals after tonight unless I find more work.


I was recognized on the street. I was afraid this would happen... I think I wasn't tracked. Might have a job working with the rope maker down at the Prisoners' Carnival. Gods only know he always needs help.


Met a priestess of Lliira yesterday, she's offering more than the rope-maker is if I run errands for her, plus it keeps me from being caught. She says she's from Thay, managed to get out with some help. Probably Uncle Nikoli's work.


Lliira actually isn't half bad as a goddess, all things considered. The priestess and I are pretty good friends now, and I'm making enough to cover meals.


Hells, they found out! Father says he's working out a deal though. I never wanted to cause all this trouble, and the priestess will probably be disappointed when I don't show up in the morning.


I think I understand the basic intricacies of Elven. Maybe not enough to speak it, but definitely enough to understand words like attack and help.


Eavesdropped in on father and the man who keeps coming by to work out the details... It seems I'm to be apprenticed aboard one of the ships! I question how father and Angie will get by though... Maybe the younger ones will need to find work too.


It's nice aboard the ship. I begin work tomorrow morning as a cabin girl. Captain Taerl doesn't seem to mind my presence, and I've learned lots even just from today. He failed to mention my sex though when speaking with the crew. They all seem to think I'm a boy, probably because my voice is deeper and I haven't matured yet... Still, it's... Awkward. I'm far too embarrassed to correct the situation, though. They've been calling me "Mil" so I suppose that's what I'll go by for now.


It's been nearly two months since I last wrote in you... My legs and knuckles hurt, and I can barely move by the end of most days. The others say I'm far too young to be on a ship, but I'll prove them wrong yet!


Elvish merchant passed by on the way to Neverwinter... Strange thing to see, to say the least, but Captain Taerl was appreciative when I told him they had surrendered.


I'm unsure if the captain is angry with me or happy with me... I saved about a battle's supply of gunpowder during last night's storm, but decided to check and make sure you were safe. When Taerl heard that I had disappeared, he was furious! I don't think I've seen that much blood come out of me in years...

But then something strange happened. Tomorrow I'm to begin my work as a powder monkey... The cook gave me some extra food and told me good luck, though I'm not sure why...


I'd much rather have preferred to remain as a cabin girl! I don't know how anyone in their right mind would want to do this job! The master gunner has been rather nice to me, but I miss my old quarters... Whenever there's a battle, I'm running back and forth, though most of the time I'm still swabbing the deck or learning the trade. Everyone thinks piracy is just battles and adventures, but it's quite the opposite, really. Most of the time, a well placed cannon shot will scare other ships into submission before they even have a chance to react. Folks are quite scared along the sword coast of piracy attacks, but many of them have insurance of some sort or another in case of our attacks on their ships. Taerl says that most battles are decided by appearances rather than fights. Sure we've had our fair share of fights to go around, but it's pretty clear that he's right... People are less prone to fighting if they can tuck their tail between their legs and run, or pay a fee.

I don't like thinking of pirates as actors, though. Something about that doesn't seem right.


The master gunner found out about my little secret... He was furious with Captain Taerl, swore that Umberlee would strike down our ship for bringing a girl aboard...

The Captain just sort of brushed it off, exchanged a few harsh words, and left it as is.


To think you survived all these years in the Captain's desk. I suppose he didn't have the heart to simply throw you away. It's been three years since I last wrote in you, five since paps gave you to me. A lot has happened since then.

I'm a rigger now. Captain said I'm an official member of the crew, youngest one he's had in years, hah! The job's dangerous, managing the sails, but I'm light on my feet and can tell when the ship's slippery, so I haven't had any accidents yet.


Need to repair the corners of the main skysail the next time we're in port, hopefully that sewing job will hold it until then. Now that I'm earning a living I've been sending back some to paps to help cover the little runts' food.


Got a letter today. Angie is dead, died during childbirth... They say the child has magical potential, but he's a Tiefling as well, probably won't make it past the first five years... Bruce is old enough to work at the the Prisoners' Carnival, and Felice found a job down at the lumber mill. Paps says he's glad that I've learned a trade, but he's upset that I was forced into piracy.


I think the secret is pretty much out at this point. Curse these lumps of flesh, and curse growing up... They never treated me like this before, now they're all acting funny or are angry with me all the time. My tail hasn't really gotten any bigger, but my horns are growing a little bit. I can't hide them underneath a hood any more, it's too obvious... Ugh, some days I really think I should just cut them off!

The Captain seems to have taken more notice to me as well, though maybe it's just because his Drow whore died...


After yesterday night's storm, they told Taerl that I had to go. They think I brought it about, but that's insane!


Captain made his decision. I was rather scared they'd throw me overboard, but Taerl smoothed it over. I'm to stay in his quarters and sleep in the corner. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I've spent so long sleeping in the same quarters as all the crew...


Captain doesn't snore. Frankly the silence is almost downright disturbing. The walls are magically enhanced, so sound doesn't even puncture them the way it should.


I've gotten in trouble a few times now for falling asleep on the deck. I just can't handle the silence!


Captain was rather drunk earlier. I kneed him in the groin and that got him to leave me alone, but I'm not sure how I feel about sharing quarters with him any more.


Sail Master ignored my opinion when I told him about the wind currents and what to fix. About two months' pay had to go into repairing it this time. We'll be working extra hard to cover the costs.

Needless to say, by unanimous decision I was promoted to Sail Master, and will begin learning the trade after we reach port.


Got a new cabin boy, some Elf. I've been learning proper elvish from him, even wrote my last letter to paps in Elvish so he could have an excuse to go see that whore.


Taerl is actually a quite honorable man. Compared to the other pirate captains in the area, he follows a set of codes, moral guidelines... I'm not sure if I agree with his way of doing things, but I'm making good pay and no one we rob is getting hurt too badly most of the time. Besides, those folks heading to Neverwinter deserve it!


Captain has been taking more and more of an interest in me lately. I can't even walk by him without him running a hand along my tail... The sooner we get to port the better, at this rate I'll buy him his own whore!


Got to port. The Captain bought me a pair of earrings instead of going to the brothel. I don't know what's wrong with him, or what to think about this... He's by no means an unattractive fellow, he's almost dashing, but this is wrong, it feels wrong.


Cabin Boy died from a stray cannon ball yesterday. Well... It happens.


Rest of the crew is starting to notice how the Captain is treating me. They've been teasing me over it.


Finally figured out how to pick the lock on Taerl's special stash. Had a glass of rum to celebrate the accomplishment.


Captain found out about me getting into his rum. Apparently there's eyes in places even I can't see aboard this ship. Had my first meal in two days a few hours ago... Probably the tastiest meal of salted fish and pickled eggs I've had in years. Also tied me up on the main mast for half the day in the rain. Still have a mild fever, but I can write at least...

He's not a cruel man, he just had to set an example. I can't blame him, though it means I'll need to be more careful in the future.


Slipped during the battle yesterday... Surprised I only made it out of it with a broken arm, thought for sure I'd be pudding. The carpenter seemed a little too eager to cut my arm clean off, but luckily the break wasn't too bad. Still, that means no shares of the loot, and I'm back to rationed portions since I can't participate in battles... Some of the crew have said I need to be tossed off at the next port, but Taerl has tossed out any notion of that happening. I can at least help with menial tasks, even with a broken arm, and I have every plan to do just that.


Cook says I'm a natural, we've eaten better in the last couple weeks than we have in ages... Imagine what I could make if I had both hands to use right now...


Rumor has been going around that I broke my arm on purpose. They think the Captain and I are... Eugh. Disgusting.


Managed to save our Boatswain during the last battle. Stabbed an unsuspecting guard in the back with a dagger. A new rumor's spreading around that I'm going to be promoted to Boatswain at this rate... One of the folks aboard the ship was a devil worshiper. She spoke in some strange dialect, but I feel like I understood her... Maybe it's simply my heritage?


Maybe I had too much rum last night, but I did something I shouldn't have... Taerl offered me some from his private stock last night for a job well done. We were talking for a while about our lives, what we planned to do... One thing lead to another, a bit of pain... I'm not sure what to think any more of the Captain. I'm not just some whore like that Drow was...


The rumors and teasing have almost all but stopped. Something tells me that the Captain said something to the Quartermaster. They're transferring me over to learn from the master carpenter.


Carpentering is definitely not something I'm good at. I can barely make makeshift repairs, let alone do half the stuff my new tutor can. This is hard work, and more labor than technicality.


My arm's healed completely. Back to my sailing master duties it seems. Every few days the Captain seems to get urges... I'm not sure if I'm scared of him, or if maybe I enjoy his company? He whispers kind words to me, compliments my horns and tail, it's just... Something doesn't sit right in me every time it happens.


Maybe this is love? I'm not entirely sure, it could just be lust. I've been taking special teas just in case when we're at ports. I don't want anything to happen...


I bought Taerl a gift while we were at port. Spent a good chunk of my savings on it, but I wanted to tell him how I felt. When I walked into his room at the inn though, he was with...

I was a fool for thinking Taerl wanted anything more than physical relief.


My apprenticeship has been over for a while, and I know the Boatswain aboard one of the sub commanded ships died. I think I'll bring up the idea of me transferring over with Taerl tonight.


He wasn't thrilled with the idea at all. Tried to pin me down. Think I might have done more permanent harm to him than intended, but I needed to send a clear message.

The tavern might have seen me half naked, but that's a small price to pay to get off this damn ship. I gave him an ultimatum, and I'm to be transferred over before we leave port. Seems my translating skills and smarts are a little too valuable, even if it means losing his toy.

Taerl can go fuck a Kraken for all I care at this point.


I thought being a Boatswain would be about as hard as my job as the sail master, but it's actually much harder. My only benefit is this ship is much smaller than the previous one I was on. Hells, it only has one large cannon because it's so small...

The crew seems to like me. Most of us are a strange lot, but we get along fine enough. Our main job is to board enemy ships instead of engage in combat, though we're to circle around and take out the enemy from behind while they're focused on the main ship in combat.


Figured out that strange language was Infernal. Seems I knew it without even realizing it... Huh.


Has it really been two years since I picked you up last? I thought I lost you... Turns out one of the cabin boys just misplaced you. Today's my last day working under High Captain Taerl. I'll be returning home after today to work the business with paps, learn the tools of the trade, so to speak.


I didn't expect to have you taken away as soon as I got you back. My new family is preferable to the ways of piracy. It was good to learn all those sailing skills, and the combat and acting experience was very much worth it, but this new family my paps is better. I think I understand why I had to learn what I did through the years. I sometimes have to do things I don't like, especially when nobles or other folks are involved, but I have skills now that few possess. Skills that'll help a ton in the long run, make me a jack of trades, so to speak.

I've traveled all over the seas, and all over the lands of the Sword Coast. Paps says it's time for me to head to Thay and learn from Uncle Nikoli.


Ambushed by slavers, led astray to some grotto, nearly got captured before some red robed guy saved me... I loved the journey here, and saw so many sights and sounds, but if this is what I have to look forward to...

I really, really hate Thay.


Great. So old Uncle Nikoli is dead because he was caught helping slaves escape, and now I'm stuck in an unfamiliar land with a modest inheritance and barely any name compared to back in Luskan. Fuck this, fuck me, when did my luck turn to shit?


Settling into Thay alright. Located the veiled alliance... A priestess there was sympathetic, claimed to have known old Nikoli. Paps finally got a letter over explaining the situation. Looks like I just inherited part of the family business.


I've decided to join up with The Family in Tyraturos. I need protection and allies if I'm going to reinstate the Ashford name for scallywags and ne'er-do-wells here in Thay. One way or another...


So that's what death feels like... I got cocky while exploring the sewers. I've become quite the fighter over the last few weeks. I thought I'd just walk a little faster to my next target.

Next thing I know? BOOM. Massive cold trap stronger than anything I've ever felt nearly freezes me to death. I'm not sure what brought me back to the realms of the living, but I'll have to be extremely careful from now on.


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Devilish Delight - by Gatalis - 11-24-2014, 03:07 AM
RE: Devilish Delight - by Gatalis - 12-01-2014, 03:32 AM

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