(12-09-2014, 04:53 PM)Bertram Anders Wrote: That reminds me of some of my rogues old nefarious plots in PnP.
Serrica was one of the bastard children of a pirate captain, so she was a scheming, nefarious sort too. Roguishness is as roguishness does. ;)
(12-09-2014, 05:44 PM)Animayhem Wrote: Well done
Love you too. :)
I'm also Dungeon-Mastering a play-by-forum campaign on a forum which my old Air Force buddy Dobie co-admins, and one of the overarching things in that campaign is a book titled The Cold Womb: Al-Shadan's Journal on the Undead. The Cold Womb was written almost a century past by Yurel ben al-Shadan, a Paladin of Pelor who spent almost all of his life fighting the undead, then committed everything he had learned about the undead to writing shortly before he finally succumbed to old age. He wrote only five copies of the Cold Womb before he died, but no intact copies of the Cold Womb are known to exist; either they fell into the hands of Al-Shadan's enemies (and were destroyed), fell apart from age and maltreatment, or were picked apart by researchers and collectors.
So now the player-characters may happen across pages of the Cold Womb during the course of their adventures (and as they're still in their prologue chapters, the PCs haven't actually met each other yet). So far, they've found the Foreword and three entries: The Skeleton, The Slaymate and The Deathlock.
Who knows what may happen if they should gather all the pages and come up with a complete copy of The Cold Womb?
Yurel ben al-Shadan, Paladin of Pelor, as depicted in the Foreword.
The Skeleton
The Slaymate
The Deathlock
(Dobie's forums have a black background. The pics look much better on a black background, believe me.)
And there are 60-something entries in The Cold Womb, too. I'm going to have a lot of doodling ahead of me before that campaign's over....
Corella d'Margo, arch-liar
Wyren Caul-of-Amber, alchemist
Tirah Het-Nanu, courtesan
Wyren Caul-of-Amber, alchemist
Tirah Het-Nanu, courtesan