To His Blindest Omniscience, The Most Regal Beggar-Prince, Exexexes X, Deacon-Esquire of Jolo's Perfectly Ignoble Boarding House
From Siamorphe's Bootlicker, Madame Zenzylina Q of the Discarded Mop, and the Outhouse of Brutal Serendipity
22 Eleint, Yesteryear's Tomorrow
On this solemn day, we of the Outhouse mourn the tragic and untimely passing of our beauteous and beloved Lady Corella d'Margo, who succumbed beneath the crushing burdens of her ponderous guilt and overwhelming despair and, in so doing, chose to end her own life by imbibing winter wine laced with scorpion venom. But when that measure failed to bring a swift end to her days, she resorted to shooting herself in the back with a crossbow repeatedly, pausing only to reload, then throwing herself down two flights of stairs, loosing more crossbow bolts at herself and desperately beating herself with a mallet before finally sealing herself inside her prized wine cellar by barring the door from the outside, then setting the wine cellar ablaze. She perished to the smoke and the flames soonafter. Leaving behind a murdered husband, a disgruntled peasantry and a legacy of self-indulgent decadence, Lady Corella died a magnificent rose cut short in the summertime of her life.
But not all is lost! Bereghel Harnl Oleonor Rex and Anneletta Sardant, our fellows within Lady Corella's walls, assure us that Lady Corella will achieve a swift and full recovery from her suicide within a day or two.
Oh, bother. Did I forget my invocations to the Mistshadow? Well, then I suppose that this missive must be entirely truthful, unless it is not. Quite the riddle, is it?
With Sincere Insincerity,
Corella d'Margo, arch-liar
Wyren Caul-of-Amber, alchemist
Tirah Het-Nanu, courtesan
Wyren Caul-of-Amber, alchemist
Tirah Het-Nanu, courtesan