The Incident of the Soaked Girl...
It was a tempestuous night in Bezantur, the gale and squalls had driven the legionnaires of the West Gate guard inside their house. The sole post outside was cursing the weather under his breath when a curious low humming sound broke through the winds and an instant later a flash of bright white light struck him blind...

Three feet above the ground a figure appeared in air, floating for a moment then dropping hard down on the cobbles a split second later...

Alarmed by the cries of their comrade, several guards pour out of the gatehouse just in time to find a woman on the wet stones. But the woman is wetter still, clad in a soaked red-and-black suit and tangled with seaweed. The captain of the gate looks about and hesitantly walks over to prod the girl with the butt of his sword. No movement. "She is dead alright lads..."
With a violent start live comes back the the huddled figure. She sits up, brushing hair and seaweed from her face and stares blankly into the night. "Who in Tempus's name are you? And how did you get here?" Turning as if to answer the girl is shaken by convulsions and starts coughing up water and, judging from the smell of it, rum...

A few moments later she staggers up "I.. I have to go." and leaves the puzzled guards behind, walking drunkenly into the night...

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The Incident of the Soaked Girl... - by kta - 07-18-2010, 10:03 AM

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