The Hordes of Chaos Tactical Manual
Nothing's ever quite good enough for you, is it Shar? Yet another complaint/suggestion making it to the fourm. Great. So I'll answer here then -

I vehemently disagree that you have ever had a plain rat open a door on you. I also take exception that you make these incorrect statements on the forums with what appears to be half-remembered observations (like the humanoid slave post). For doors, the code is below, and as everyone can see and everyone will now know; there are limits to when doors will get thrown open. The creature needs a minimum intelligence of 7, and must be within 7 meters of the door.

if (GetLocalInt(GetArea(oDoor), "MMT_ACR")) {
    object oEnemy = GetNearestEnemy(oPC);
    if (GetDistanceBetween(oEnemy, oDoor) <= 7.0 && !GetIsDead(oEnemy) && GetAbilityScore(oEnemy, ABILITY_INTELLIGENCE) >= 7) {
      AssignCommand(oDoor, ActionOpenDoor(oDoor));

This code was necessary because the creature OnBlocked event is very unreliable, for some reason. So in the past we'd get a PC slamming a door in the face of an angry mob and they'd just be content to sit on the other side of the door until while the PC and his party would buff up, smoke a pipe, get in a nice little formation around the door, and then decide to open the door and let them through to be slaughtered. So I ended up trading one form of unrealistic combat with what I consider a better form. Is it perfect. Nope. But I've yet to have someone suggest a better alternative (and this is not the place to do so either - PM Sundraoi if you have one).

If it's not 'realistic' enough, then really I guess I should go through all caves and sewers and most crypts and take out doors anyway. Who's going to put a bunch of doors in caves anyway, huh? While I'm at it, I suppose I should just also immediately change things so every commoner can get enslaved so that PCs can just run around the corner and grab some easy XP to deliver to the slave merchants, huh? Then I also need to change the slaves that many people love to go after and have fight for them because that isn't realistic either. I mean, seriously....who can fight and cast with shackles on their arms/legs anyway? That's not realistic either.

Or we can all just accept this is a game. Suspend your disbelief. And accept that all things in Thay will not, and not meant to, always mirror 'realistic' behavior for the real world. And if you want to see something changed, complaining about it is in the forum is absolutely the wrong way to go about it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Hordes of Chaos Tactical Manual - by Wids - 05-19-2015, 09:02 PM
RE: The Hordes of Chaos Tactical Manual - by Wids - 05-20-2015, 10:14 PM
RE: The Hordes of Chaos Tactical Manual - by Balanor - 05-20-2015, 10:03 AM
RE: The Hordes of Chaos Tactical Manual - by Wids - 05-21-2015, 12:39 AM

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