TyraturosMessageBoards:Djinn'sBazarrImprovementsNotice(by Hadir Hasan Khaliq Mahmood)
I am proud to announce that the Djinn's Bazarr has now improved the services open to the public of Tyraturos. The Djinn's Bazarr is henceforth an import/exports shop instead of just selling imports, purchasing items for more than the local merchants; I am able to do this because of a deal I have made with various inter-country merchants who have assessed that a market for high quality Thayan items exists in Calimshan. NOTE that mudane and lower quality items will not yield you a profit if you sell them at the Djinn's Bazarr, you have been fairly warned. Additionally, the usual Calishite exports now include the finest high quality bandages... and although the stock is limited, the price beats any local temples in Tyraturos. *A picture of a man robed in Calshite attire walking a camel over a sand dune with sand blowing in the wind is displayed at the end of the posted message board*

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TyraturosMessageBoards:Djinn'sBazarrImprovementsNotice(by Hadir Hasan Khaliq Mahmood) - by LifeLikeSage - 06-06-2015, 05:23 AM

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