11-06-2015, 07:58 PM
She sprung from point to point around the dummy striking at the lower part of the pole with a sweep of her leg followed by multiple strikes at what would be vital points as she continued moving at each strike. Each repetition she became faster, her body flowing with each movement almost as water.
"There is no shame in becoming a splendid blade." she began to remember the words spoken to her as she continued her practice. Her knuckles began to bleed and her legs bruise, yet she continued. "Your body isn't built to stand and fight, it is built to escape." The intensity of her blows increased. Each one in itself not one of much strength or significance at first glance, though each landed on spots vulnerable and deadly to an adversary.
"We are done running. It is time to stand and meet our destiny!" she spoke aloud as she continued her practice, remembering each move she was taught in turn and repeating. "Our edge shall become so sharp that should we be brought down upon the Gods by our Master, they themselves will bleed!" Her training continued into the late hours of the night, the silverhaired elf practicing each movement again and again.
"There is no shame in becoming a splendid blade." she began to remember the words spoken to her as she continued her practice. Her knuckles began to bleed and her legs bruise, yet she continued. "Your body isn't built to stand and fight, it is built to escape." The intensity of her blows increased. Each one in itself not one of much strength or significance at first glance, though each landed on spots vulnerable and deadly to an adversary.
"We are done running. It is time to stand and meet our destiny!" she spoke aloud as she continued her practice, remembering each move she was taught in turn and repeating. "Our edge shall become so sharp that should we be brought down upon the Gods by our Master, they themselves will bleed!" Her training continued into the late hours of the night, the silverhaired elf practicing each movement again and again.