Behind the Mask - Amalia's Thoughts Exposed

Like so many nights before, Amalia woke from a nightmare in a cold sweat. However, something about this one was different, she wasn't just sweaty, she felt terrible. She reached her hand up to press her palm against her forehead as she groaned. She hadn't felt like this in years, not since she'd learn how to expel impurities from her body.

Ugh, my stress must be getting in the way of my meditations. I shouldn't feel like this. Amalia rolled over onto her side and felt as if her stomach was one big knotted up rope. She let out another groan, turning a bit to drop her feet to the ground and stand.

Although she was sure she'd slept for several hours, she felt exhausted. Her body did not want to obey her and she slumped as she walked. As she moved, she kept one hand upon her stomach, something about the minor pressure of her hand seemed to ease the nausea at least a little.

Despite how much her stomach seemed to bother her, she was starving. Did I not eat dinner last night? Is this why my body feels so weak? She began to head straight to her pantry. As she opened the door to her storage room she left out a soft sigh, Looks like Max is still here. There was a large table in the center of the room, as well as a shellback chair and a few containers...these all belonged to Max who was reluctantly staying with her despite her relationship with Tyrael.

She maneuvered slowly around his things and opened the cupboards of her pantry. Frowning deeply, her eyes scanned the various snacks she had stored away. No, No, no. Nothing seemed to strike her fancy for the moment. She pursed up her lips and glanced towards the keg of red wine Tyrael had bought for her before shaking her head, No wine for breakfast, Amalia.

She began to think back to her childhood, back to the foods she wished to eat when she was ill. She smiled softly as she thought back to the days when the servants would sneak her some stew and sometimes they would even bake an apple pie. As her stomach growled with hunger once more, she glanced down and nodded softly, You're right. I know exactly what I want.

She closed her pantry with a grin, Apple Stew.

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RE: Behind the Mask - Amalia's Thoughts Exposed - by Tiki Time - 12-01-2015, 10:15 PM

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