12-10-2015, 07:54 AM
Months of Uktar & Nightal 1366 DR
28 Uktar 1366 DR (28-11-1366 DR)
I've continued to spread the good will of Selune to those I encounter here in Thay. Admittedly I have not wandered far from Tyraturos much at all in the last months. Perhaps it's time to start exploring more of the land once again. First I will make a trip to check in at the temple at Thazar Keep to see if they judge me ready to repressent Selune as a recognized member of her clergy. I have no doubt in my own mind and spirit that Selune favors me, as I have felt her calling in my life since my arrival in Tyraturos some months ago. And if my memories of times before then can be trusted, I have felt her with me since childhood as well.