After some further testing this morning I'll need to revise that line Sundraoi quoted since the On Hit: Poison item property does not apply a specific poison, but rather just does the wimpy 1 or 2 points of ability score damage on-hit if the DC is failed. This new poison system will need a poison specified from the poison.2da (which is the list in that link I provided) in order to apply damage and/or possibly death. As a result, the permanent On Hit: Poison item property cannot be hooked into with this new system, so the poison that permanently-poisoned weapons applies will still just cause ability score damage, but not real damage. Although it's probably for the best this way anyway otherwise anyone with those weapons (PC or NPC) would probably be too damn powerful.
The newly revised line should instead read -
The changes will apply to monster bolt, cone, pulse, claw, and bite poison attacks, the poison spell, and weapons or food that have been poisoned by a PC (or DM possessed NPC) with a specific type of poison.
The newly revised line should instead read -
The changes will apply to monster bolt, cone, pulse, claw, and bite poison attacks, the poison spell, and weapons or food that have been poisoned by a PC (or DM possessed NPC) with a specific type of poison.