03-26-2020, 03:32 AM
-The Thay PW hakpak has been updated to version 1.03. You will need to download the thaypw_1.03.hak and the thaypw_0.57.tlk , found here in order to login to the Thay PW. But as with other hakpak updates, this means a bunch of new goodies for everyone!
-The optional Thay PW Enhancement Hak has also been updated to include useable beds in the city interior tilesets, the castle interior tilesets, the drow interior tileset, and the fort interior tileset. If you have already downloaded and are using an old version of this patch hak and you want the new tileset bed modifications, delete the existing thaypw_patch.hak in your C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\patch folder and replace it with the thaypw_patch.hak from this new download
-10 new Alternate Combat Styles are now available! While these are very cool, there are numerous intricacies and limitations with them as they are not completely compatible with all aspects of our PW. Please review the new Alternate Combat Styles topic in your in-game player guide, or view the new Alternate Combat Styles topic, for details about this feature and how to use it
-Emote buttons in the radial menu now have an image to display what they are, which makes it much easier to find and use an emote from there
-Trap damage and the DC to avoid a trap are now both controlled via script. This has allowed some important changes to be made to make certain traps more useful (or dangerous). Of particular note; the amount of damage caused by frost and spike traps has been increased, and the extremely low DC 15 for the Average, Strong, and Deadly spike traps has also been increased
-Over 30 placeables have had their appearance reskinned for an improved look, and there are a couple new placeables. Of particular note:
1. There are now 3 different candles, and the default candle appearance has been changed to better-looking yellow candles. You can also buy all 3 candles for your buildings from various furniture merchants as well
2. The large table has been made to look less worn, bread actually looks like bread, and the two large rectangular carpets have been given a more neutral (tan) appearance
3. New blowing and falling snow placeables have been setup to create a much-improved falling snow effect in cold areas, and provide blowing snow effects as well
4. A new Ship's Wheel has been added to most in-game ships that did not have one. No more trying to explain how a ship is magically steered!
-A new creature and creature appearance called a Roper has been added with the hak update. It's a stalactite-looking creature that haunts the depths of many caverns - especially the Underdark, coming to life only when its prey has come within its grasp
-Improvements have been made to the armor and cloak randomization system for NPCs. Cloaks on NPCs will now match the colors of a NPC's armor, and many of the new robes that have been added with the Thay PW hak may now be used by NPCs as well
-Hostile NPCs will occasionally use the new ACS choices. Watch for hostiles such as floating wizards, fancy dual-wielding assassins, etc
-When Drow or Duergar NPCs are created they will have their appearances randomly modified, just like other hostile NPCs
-The following bugs have been fixed:
1. Pegasus will spawn without stunted wings
2. Numerous load screen spelling or grammar errors have been corrected
3. Treasure Maps to the exterior Thossos or Kepetur areas will properly recognize when you are in the correct location to reveal the treasure
4. Casting Disguise Self after a Disguise Self spell has already been cast on your PC will reset the 10 minute/level timer for when the spell should end
5. The enormous selection area for Earth Elementals has been fixed thanks to the work of Symmetric
6. Special questgivers will answer questions again
-The optional Thay PW Enhancement Hak has also been updated to include useable beds in the city interior tilesets, the castle interior tilesets, the drow interior tileset, and the fort interior tileset. If you have already downloaded and are using an old version of this patch hak and you want the new tileset bed modifications, delete the existing thaypw_patch.hak in your C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\patch folder and replace it with the thaypw_patch.hak from this new download
-10 new Alternate Combat Styles are now available! While these are very cool, there are numerous intricacies and limitations with them as they are not completely compatible with all aspects of our PW. Please review the new Alternate Combat Styles topic in your in-game player guide, or view the new Alternate Combat Styles topic, for details about this feature and how to use it
-Emote buttons in the radial menu now have an image to display what they are, which makes it much easier to find and use an emote from there
-Trap damage and the DC to avoid a trap are now both controlled via script. This has allowed some important changes to be made to make certain traps more useful (or dangerous). Of particular note; the amount of damage caused by frost and spike traps has been increased, and the extremely low DC 15 for the Average, Strong, and Deadly spike traps has also been increased
-Over 30 placeables have had their appearance reskinned for an improved look, and there are a couple new placeables. Of particular note:
1. There are now 3 different candles, and the default candle appearance has been changed to better-looking yellow candles. You can also buy all 3 candles for your buildings from various furniture merchants as well
2. The large table has been made to look less worn, bread actually looks like bread, and the two large rectangular carpets have been given a more neutral (tan) appearance
3. New blowing and falling snow placeables have been setup to create a much-improved falling snow effect in cold areas, and provide blowing snow effects as well
4. A new Ship's Wheel has been added to most in-game ships that did not have one. No more trying to explain how a ship is magically steered!
-A new creature and creature appearance called a Roper has been added with the hak update. It's a stalactite-looking creature that haunts the depths of many caverns - especially the Underdark, coming to life only when its prey has come within its grasp
-Improvements have been made to the armor and cloak randomization system for NPCs. Cloaks on NPCs will now match the colors of a NPC's armor, and many of the new robes that have been added with the Thay PW hak may now be used by NPCs as well
-Hostile NPCs will occasionally use the new ACS choices. Watch for hostiles such as floating wizards, fancy dual-wielding assassins, etc
-When Drow or Duergar NPCs are created they will have their appearances randomly modified, just like other hostile NPCs
-The following bugs have been fixed:
1. Pegasus will spawn without stunted wings
2. Numerous load screen spelling or grammar errors have been corrected
3. Treasure Maps to the exterior Thossos or Kepetur areas will properly recognize when you are in the correct location to reveal the treasure
4. Casting Disguise Self after a Disguise Self spell has already been cast on your PC will reset the 10 minute/level timer for when the spell should end
5. The enormous selection area for Earth Elementals has been fixed thanks to the work of Symmetric
6. Special questgivers will answer questions again