The Thay Community - Introduce yourself
Hey all,

I am restarting this thread since the last one was rather bloated.

I'm Bertram. I've played on Thay since 2011. My friend introduced me to NwN, he was a close friend that I played PnP with weekly. He had been playing on Thay for a bit and one day he started telling me about it, my imagination went wild as he described the world that Balanor had built. I had only played for a handful of hours before I hopped online and joined the Thay community. Since then I've played pretty consistently when life wasn't preventing me. I've tried a couple other servers, which admittedly never lasted for more than a few hours each. They just never managed to hook me like Thay did, they all seemed to lack the flair and immersion Thay does.

My first character on the server, Bertram Anders, was a wizard with aspirations of becoming a Red Wizard. Unfortunately for him, my inexperience as a player did not make him a well made (or played) wizard. He failed his trials and became the only played wizard who failed his apprentice trials.

Feel free to introduce yourselves in any capacity that you wish.
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1. Be fearless. 2. Never turn away from a fight. 3. Obey the rules of war.

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The Thay Community - Introduce yourself - by Bertram Anders - 04-09-2020, 01:13 AM

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