To ensure you have the most up-to-date haks when doing design work for the PW, it is highly recommended you follow the process below, rather than use the (typically) outdated haks in the first post. These steps were compiled by William Draco and use some code he developed, so please contact him if you do run into problems or have questions. Most of the staff (as of November 2021) have gone through these steps, so they may be able to help, as well.
The webserver of the Thay PW that gives clients nwsync also stores data on how to "undo" nwsync and put it back into the original haks. So we need to get where that data is (latest.txt) then get the data from its location (the .origin part) then run a program William Draco created (nwsync_originate) to put it back into haks.
1) - Download the latest version under the "Assets" dropdown. Always pick (64x version has some issues)
2) - Download the latest "windows" from the asset dropdown here.
3) Extract both of the above zip files into the same location (so it becomes one folder with 19 exe's and 2 dlls)
4) In the same folder, create a .txt file (maybe "ThayHaks.txt") using notepad and copy in the below code. Make sure to change the two folder paths to the paths you want to use:
5) Rename "ThayHaks.txt" to "ThayHaks.bat"
1) Double-click "ThayHaks.bat"
Note: You must have the latest nwsync (via logging in-game) in order for this to work.
The webserver of the Thay PW that gives clients nwsync also stores data on how to "undo" nwsync and put it back into the original haks. So we need to get where that data is (latest.txt) then get the data from its location (the .origin part) then run a program William Draco created (nwsync_originate) to put it back into haks.
1) - Download the latest version under the "Assets" dropdown. Always pick (64x version has some issues)
2) - Download the latest "windows" from the asset dropdown here.
3) Extract both of the above zip files into the same location (so it becomes one folder with 19 exe's and 2 dlls)
4) In the same folder, create a .txt file (maybe "ThayHaks.txt") using notepad and copy in the below code. Make sure to change the two folder paths to the paths you want to use:
powershell wget -OutFile latest.txt
set /p neworigin=< latest.txt
powershell wget -OutFile %neworigin%.origin
nwsync_originate %neworigin%.origin "D:\temporary\folder\for\output" -a "C:\Path\to\Documents\Neverwinter Nights\nwn.ini" -d -c
1) Double-click "ThayHaks.bat"
Note: You must have the latest nwsync (via logging in-game) in order for this to work.