Dance Upon the Holy Tides: Ship Shape
Dance Upon the Holy Tides: Ship Shape

Calishite Seipora Jassan, follower of Valkur and former performer in the Grand Circus of Faerun, has been spreading word of some paid work to aid the White Sails Shipping Company and the new crew members of two of their ships.  

Guard duty and some cargo moving would seem to be simple enough tasks, but with some of the luck the Morgan family has had the last few years, perhaps not.

If you are interested in making some coin and want to enjoy the sea breeze in Thasselen, gather at the Sundered Hammer.

((This DM event will start at 9 AM US Central Time on Sunday December 5th.  It is open to characters levels 3 to 10)).

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Dance Upon the Holy Tides: Ship Shape - by Karilynn - 11-30-2021, 09:17 PM

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