The Thay Community - Introduce yourself

I'm a newcomer to this PW, and to this site. I've played NWN pretty much since it came out, and transitioned into PWs long ago. Sadly, as many, if not most of you know, NWN, the Bioware software, sort of disintegrated, and I didn't give it much of a thought after that. I dabbled with DDO and Neverwinter Online, but what I like best about NWN is the RP, and MMOs don't really meet that need. Especially the second time around, when a new character gets stuck doing the identical set of quests as the first character, because there's next to no variability between one character and the next.

Anyway, along came COVID, and my friends and I decided to transition our weekly tabletop sessions into an online campaign. For a while I was running a game on Roll20, until my laptop crapped out, and I put it on hiatus (I still need to get my old laptop looked at, to salvage what was on it). While we were looking for something else to do, we considered running an NWN module, but it turned out we didn't all have compatible editions of the game, because the Steam version was not compatible with the Bioware. When I realized that, my friends and I picked up a copy of the Steam software, (those who didn't already have it) and I was astonished to realize that it was still a surprisingly active community, and the game lobby, while not identical, is functionally very similar.
We took some time playing a few modules with different characters, but I found that my friends were treating the experience more like a video game than an RP experience, and I was getting frustrated. I wondered if maybe sticking them in something more dynamic, like a PW, might change that, so I suggested we look for one. When I looked around, I found this one, which seemed to fit the bill, so I convinced them to take the plunge. Not sure how this will play out, but I'm hoping for the best.

Borte was one of my characters on my old PW server, though this is a slightly tamer version of her (so far). She's a tribal warrior from a largely patriarchal community of nomads. Her world, up until now, has consisted mainly of barbarians, rogues, druids and sorcerers. She speaks the common tongue, though she sometimes has difficulty with longer words. She considers reading, writing and wizardry (sorcery too) as nothing less than witchcraft, and not to be trusted, and is having a hard time wrapping her brain around how much magic surrounds her in this land. Still, it's not in her nature to run from a confrontation. She has goals, and being here will help her attain them.

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RE: The Thay Community - Introduce yourself - by Borte - 04-27-2022, 12:30 AM

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