Unique Creatures & New Encounters of Thay
Rather than start a new thread, I would like to use this to bring attention to two things.

First, if you have concerns about certain encounter creatures being too easy or two difficult, you may provide the detailed feedback I ask above to me at any time.

Second, and more importantly; we are seeing an ever-increasing number of upper-level PCs (level 9+). I would like to politely request of each and every upper-level PC that, for the good of your fellow players (not PCs - players), if you enter an encounter area (especially areas like the Bezantur sewers and Bezantur crypts) you do your utmost to thoroughly clean out any monsters/hostiles spawned in that area. It appears we are beginning to encounter more occurrences of low-level PCs running into monsters that cast spells on them they have no hope of saving against or avoiding, or other basically wiping them out in what can barely even be considered a 'fight'
So for upper-levels, by making a conscious effort to clear out an area that you know contains spawns meant for your level, you can help other players continue to enjoy Thay as you do by ensuring they don't run into an encounter they have no hope of winning or even retreating from.

Thanks for your attention. :)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Unique Creatures & New Encounters of Thay - by Balanor - 12-14-2010, 10:37 PM

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