Chronicles of Caramiriel
Exhausted from her ordeal, rather than going home, Caramirel orders a meal at the carvansari, opens her journal and writes.

" Well I finally was excepted into the Priador, though I needed to go to Thasselen as the Captain here only gives tasks. Eventhough I am a recruit, it is still good to have a sense of belonging though that is in name only as everyone is out for themselves. I do have a place to stay if I am too tired to go to my home as well as a place in the barracks at Thasselen.

The instabilty of the weave has made Thay even less hositable than it was. Every since the incident with Lord Hoar I have had to be extra wary. Before we returned to the temple the wizard said all of us were marked. I thought nothing of it however it seemed the threat had teeth.

I was on patrol when a Thayan knight approached me and asked my name. Naturally I answered. Shortly afterwards I was transported to a cell but was not alone as apparently others where as well. There was Cyrus ,Hazlok ,Mica and Silus. The hin I had met only once at Aloar his name was Ardval.

Apparently we were accused of murdering a red wizard in a place called the Silent Tower. I had never been there and was in Bezantur at that time as was Cyrus. Would the judge believe me? The two reds who brought us here seemed a bit nervous. We had no advocate and since Hazlok was an apprentice and Cyrus the highest ranking legionnaire they would be our voices if need be.

My turn came up to testify. I told them I was in Bezantur in the citadel with Cyrus.
I also explained that I was sure of the date as that was the date of wild magic occurrances. I had told them we could not leave because of random lightning strikes, doomsayers were screaming the end of the world and it rained frogs. I did not tell them I also saw a wizard go up in flame or that is knight drowned himself in grief. Needless to say the room went silent then I was dismissed.

Cyrus gave testimony and confirmed what I said though the wizards doubted it and thought we made it up and supported each other as we were both legionnaires. Then it was the hins turn and he did not deny he was there. He gave a long account about what had happened that lead up to the fate of the wizard which was a result of wild magic. He also vindicated the rest of us were not there. The wizards were obviously frustrated that their ploy seemed to fail. We all thought it was over when an unexpected arrival entered, Aznur Thrul.

We all immediately stood up and bowed when he faced us, the two reds were obviously shaken. While not one for polticial intrigues the circumstances of the Zulkirs rise to Priador Tharchion seem shrouded in mystery. He claimed we were guilty,yet it seemed he was alluding to something else. We all held our breaths as he gave his testimony sighting the ineptitude of Zulkir Malythist as well as a conspiracy between Zulkir Tam and Zulkir Malythist. Thrul even went so far as to have the court award us, the killers of the zulkir as we did Thay a favor.

Naturally everone was in shock and the judge denied the request. Of the two wizards who called this trial, Mur Vhol seemed to be the most jumpy and the most anxious while the other known as Edwin Odesseiron seemed a bit cooler headed and open to other possibilities. What would happene to us now would we be cleared and freed or executed or enslaved. Everyone was eagerly awaiting Thrul's next words. Mur was obviously nervous as it seemed his plan would fail especially when Thrul concentrated on him with his next statements. Thrul suggested that we the accused along with him would search Zulkir Tam's estate for proof that Tam and Malythist were working together. Depite the vocal protests, especially from Mur, the judge reluctantly agreed as the reputation of a zulkir was on the line.

I was filled with a mixture of relief and dread as although I did not now much of Tam I did know he was a necromancer and most likely his estate would be guarded by higher undead. Even if not proof was found, we could probably be killed thus washing the courts hands of us. The judge closed the proceedings, we bowed and followed the zulkirs Odesseiron,Thrul and Vhol to zulkir Tams estate. Odesseiron and Vhol would stay outside and Thrul would accompany us. However my request to return our weapons was denied.

We arrived and Thrul did not stand on ceremony and forcably entered the etsate as it seemd Tam was not at home. Immediately we were met by one of Tam's guards, a high order of vampire who seemed to regard Thrul we a look of disgust.Thrul took it all in stride and explained we were here on court orders and we all confirmed Thrul's words. The vampire said we could proceed at our own risk as the estate defenses would not be removed. Our hearts sank as without our weapons we would surely not get very far. As if he sensed are concerns or maybe thought his plan could fail, Thrul ordered the knight to go and give us our weapons. The knight returned and threw our weapons on the ground and we retrieved them.

As the vampire said, the way through was quite damgerous and all sorts of undead faced us as well as traps. Thrul and Vhol follwed us but hardly used any of their powers. After what seemed to be an eternity the hin Arval found something and showed it to Hazlok who seemed to think it was the evidence needed. We proceeded to the lobby where Thrul and Vhol were waiting. Hazlok presented our findings to Thrul who reviewed them and agreed this was all the proof needed. He then showed it to Vhol who was outraged but could not deny it and said all charges against us would be dropped and apologized. Thrul thanked us and said he would return to the court and we were free to go. We paid our respects to the zulkirs and immediately headed to the tavern.

We rested and refreshed ourselves then went our seperate ways. I had always wanted to see mor of Eltabarr but as a free person not an accused murder. As for wheter we were set up by that unknown wizard group has yet to be proven."

She finishes writing and puts quill,ink and book back in her pack, finishes her wine and heads for the citadel.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
In her study, in her home, Caramiriel takes the journal out of her desk, opens and writes.

" Ever since the start of the disappearance of magic panic has increased especially the common people. This panic reached its peak recently here in Bezantur. Rumors had been flying about in regards to what god took the tablets. Reports were coming in that a group of these rabble rousers were gathering in the south market. As it seemed the few legionnaires there where disinterested in the proceedings, Garic and myself decided to make a more visible presence.

The ring leader was calling for the people to storm the temples of Mask, Bane, and Myrkul as they were sure one or all of these gods took the tablets which anger Ao.
This could not be allowed especially against Bane and Mask who more than likely would bring down a wholesale slaughter and with the appearance of some of the followers of Bane increased that possibilty.

Watching the gathering was the bard known as DeeDee who tried to distract the rabble with questions. Garic and I tried with responses to questions asked but it seemed this group had their minds set. Garic offeredto stay and I went to inform the captain of the situation. Naturally she was livid, but would not send any more troops at the moment as she felt the citadel needed to be defended. Sighing, I saluted her and went back to Garic.

Upon my return to the market, some others had arrived, Hazlok an apprentice, Koriseil a legionairre from Amurthar, Djed a follower of Bhaal, Cyrus a legionnaire of Aloar, Grace legionnaire of Tyraturos, a hin named Lil Crow, a goblin named Grepto, a mulan man name Rahzim, and human woman named Sylonara.

I called the legionairres over to inform them of the captain's orders. Garic and I although of the Priador were not ranked but the others were all Lieuteants. I suggested since he was most senior of the legionairres, Cyrus should lead. Modest man that he is he declined at first saying he was out of jursidiction I told him that we needed to forget where we served and show a united front a the law of Thay, which we all were. While we were discussing tactics the crowd was trying to blame the legion in general for not finding the tablets and were shocked we did not includ Hazlok in our discussion. Rhazim and Djed were quietly observing. The crowd were shocked when Hazlok defended his exclusion by mentioning we answered to higher authorties that being of thay and our Tharchion who was also a Zulkir.

It was decided to placate the mob, we would search the the three temples mentioned but inform the priests before we did. We returned and motioned the others to us and told them of the plan. As although only an apprentice, it was decided that Hazlok would present our case to the priest and that Garic and myself would be 'officially' representatives of the legion and the law.

Cyrus tried to disuade the crowd once more from their rash actions threatening that Garic and I would lock them all in the citadel of corrections. The rabble would not be persuaded and started their run to the temples. Myself and the others quickly persued them most were killed instantly or died from their wounds. I was sickened but continued trying only to wound them. We cornered one and rather than kill them we them to go back and tell the stragglers what happens to those who break the laws.

Our first stop was the temple of Myrkul. Hazlok explained our reason for being there backed up by Djed and Cyrus. The three had barely finished when an irate rabble rousers attacked screaming death to those who follow Myrkul. Suffice it to say after the priest witnessed the fight he reluctantly let us search. After some time there was no evidence to be found which was not surprising but at least we had proof that we were 'doing' our jobs as the law and told the rabble who were outside.

The next stop was the temple of Bane. However we had barely stepped inside when we were attacked.Although we managed to take the attackers down some small fires had started and we attempted to put them out. Again a search was done and no evidence was found and the rabble told the same.

The temple of Mask was the one place none of us really wanted to enter let alone upset do to there influence in Thay but we needed to do it. We entered the temple and cautiously looked around to find the priestess. Hazlok decided to speak to the one known as the White Witch. Naturally she was indigent and threatened all with repricussions if we did search and did not take her word that they did not have the tablets. We stopped and got drinks before leaving the temple.

On our way back, we spotted who we thought the ring leader was an orc named Hagdish. We surrounded him. Although the designated leader of the day's earlier action, Cyrus declined to make the arrest and turned the responsibilty over to me.
I told the orc of the charges and our authority to take him in. Naturally he refused to come quietly and the chase was on. He was eventually subdued and lead back to the citadel and the Captain.

I saluted her and gave my report and credit to those who assisted most notably Cyrus,Grace and Korisel. Hazlok mentioned he should be executed and we agreed.
It was suggested his head replace the corpse on the captain's door but then it was decided his head to be placed on a pike where the public would see. The orc was taken outside and since his axe was the sharpest, Garic severed the head and placed it on the pike leaving the body to rot. Garic then in a loud voice shouted to the assembeld crowd that rebllion would not be tolerated and any who do would share the orc's fate.

This was the first time I had particpated in the darker side of the legion and felt unclean and prayed I would not have to do another action like this too soon. Yet looking again at the orc's head I realized that if I did not adhere to my duties I could suffer his fate or worse.

With the exception of the goblin I invited all who wished to refresh themselves at my home. After some time people left and went their seperate ways. "
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
In a room in the citadel, Caramiriel opens her book and writes.

" If anything could be learned from the rabble rousing incident is that little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So far there has been no repeat of the loud gatherings however, the quiet made some temples a anxious so they sent messages offering insight to find the answers.

I was on patrols and telling people about Silvanus, when Mason showed up. We barely had time to acknowledge us when some ravens arrived and dropped messages. It was slightly encrypted but the mmeting place was at the Temple of Sharess. This thought was very unsettling to Mason for some reason, but we were both intrigued and decided to go. On the way he briefly explained she was a joke, nothing more than a goddess of prostitues. I responded by saying everyone needs a protector. However the fact she was in his opinion, Goddess of the harlots, cats seem to cause him unease as well though he seemed to like my panther Yith.

We were not the only ones as Hazlok who was still an apprentice had arrived. I started to understand Mason's discomfort as the priest asked us if we were here for the orgy. Shortly after that remark by which we both hastily declined others started to arrive. The priest was in shock but when Mason showed him the letter all thoughts of the orgy where dropped for the moment. Others present were Sylonara, Djed,Garic,Koriseil,and Grace. We waited awhile longer and when it seemed no more were coming the questions started. The priest had left leaving Sensate Elliana Sendry to answer.

The sensate began by telling us the basic tenents of the faith and seemed a bit concerned that Sharess was referred int Mulan term Bast. We then learned about what enemies,rivals and allies the goddess had as well as what other temples may supply pieces to the puzzle. She tried her best to disuade us from leaving and enjoy the pleasures the temple had to offer mostly focusing on Mason who seems as jumpy as a rat among cats.

We boarded a caravan to Moszabbar and the temple of Set and the snakes. It was decided that when we arrived that Hazlok would speak to the priestess as although not a wizard he was an apprentice so would probably be tolerated as inquisitor. After some time past the caravan started to shake violently and not the typical jarring caused by hitting rough patches in road and a bright light had appeared.
The caravan stopped and the leader was shouting for assistance. Although competent warriors were with us to rush out would be foolish. Hazlok summoned his familiar who surveyed the scene. The bandits were dead but not killed by the leader. The caravan started moving again but the suddenly the pace became very rapid causing the friction from the wheels to catch fire. Attempts were made to put it out but they failed. Suddenly without warning we were flying through the air at a rapid pace. Whether by the wild magic surge caused when Hazlok used the rod of frost or another agency it was frightening to say the least.

We arrived in Moszabbar whole a bit battered and bruised but alive except the caravan was in pieces. We were on the outskirts so had to walk into the city and head straight to the temple. Once inside we moved cautiously as the floor was alive with snakes. We sheathed our weapons and allowed Hazlok to approach and state our mission. Djed went to the altar and placed some coins as he uses snake venom in his line of work but stayed there silently allowing Hazlok to speak.

As in the temple of Sharess, questions were asked about enemies, allies and to learn more of Set. After she spoke she asked us if we knew who Set's enemies maybe. Much was mentioned about Mulani culture and I must confess although Mulan my knowledge was limited due to the fact I was raised by the Elves. However for some strange reason the answer came to me, I removed my helm and replied,
"Mayhap Horus-re..... *thinks* Osiris.... and mayhap... what was the name? oh yes Nepthys." I could feel eyes on me and awaited for the priestess response.
It seems I was correct, however at the mention of the names the priestess seemed highly agitated and we decided that we should probably go while she was in a good mood. Leaving was not as easy as entering as there was a strange field by the door. The decisions to stay in a place full of snakes where an angry priestess could call them to attack or risk going through an unknown barrier we chose the barrier. With an unkown energy we were pushed forward and wound up in the temple of Hoar which we were happy to be in and which made Grace even more so as he was her god.

High Priest Coll Arngard acknowledged us and was sorry healing services were no longer available. He then proceeded to updat us on Hoar's progress in his path to venegence which seemed not to go well though the god still lived. The priest stopped however as suspicion clouded his features. In an effort to put him at ease so we could continue our questions, I removed my helm and took out the blade Hoar gave me and Grace also spoke up for us. Then suddenly as it did in Set's temple knowledge of pantheon alliances came to me some were the ones mentioned in the priest's oration. Looking at the priest I said.
"Are not Bast and Nephthys allies to Anhur?" The priest obivously shaken at what I said confirmed it and added that we should seek vengence and destroy Hoar's enemies. It was during this time Cyrus entered the temple.

Before we could leave however we were attacked by fanatical paladins which we finally managed to subdue. Please the attackers were vanquished the priest assumed they were of Anhur though no affliation was found on the bodies which were in essence a tithe and tribute to Hoar. As to where a temple to Anhur could be found noone seemed to know. Then for a third time knowledge came to me and I replied, "Murbant.. I think..." However it was not Anhur's temple that was revealed to me but on of his allies. I continued. "I read Nephty's temple is there."
More discussion was had and it was agreed to go to Murbant but at another time and with a plan. Garric and I could go there as being legion noone would bother us much, even Cyrus, Kori and Grace although not of the Priador were still legion.

As we left the temple I asked Garic to walk with me. I explained I was quite shaken at the knowledge revealed to me as I could not be sure from what source. Even Garic's suggestion that could be hidden memories which were supressed due to me be raised by Elves. We got on the caravan back to Bezantur, myself,Garic, and Hazlok. After we arrived, I invited them back to my home to refresh themselves
but more so for me as I needed the peace of the shrine. I told garic that it seemed from this unknown source, I was not to go to Murbant and that my job was completed as a messenger. He was greatly disappointed as we had grown to trust each other as friends. After they left .I spent a long time meditating in my shrone and prayed those who would go would be safe."

Yawning, she closes her book, puts it in her back and decides to sleep at the barracks too tired to walk to her home.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Shaken but relieved, in her home, Carmiriel opens her book and writes.

"Magic has returned and things are starting to return to normal in Thay, that is if anyone can call Thay normal. I had finished my patrol in the north sector and was nearing the gate to Markettown when I saw many people around. I did not know if they had just arrived or were going. Many where those I had become acquainted with and some I did not know.
There was Maisri the owner of the Needful Stuff store of which I have frequented and know I finally see the face behind the store, the hin Lil Crow, Cyrus, Mason, Djed, Grace, Koriseil, and Hazlok. I had walked near Cyrus to tell me what transpired in Murbant and he promised he would later.

Mason who is usually reserved was rather chatty and revealed some more things and his beliefs, the hin was so sure that my panther would eat her to which I replied he would ignore unless she atacked me and as a rule he doesn't eat hins as they give him indigestion. She was somewhat placated but wary and was almost a corpse as she was irritating Mason and Djed. It seemed magic returned and those of us who were casters tried by casting the weakest of spells. Small talk continue and then Rahzim arrived a Mulan who helped us put down the rabble rousers and reluctantly I dismissed Yith since Djed requested it. Another woman joined us named Shea whom Cyrus knew and was attached to the Moszabbar legion.
When I metioned that maybe what magic was restored, some how brought people to Bezantur the city of temples. Some where shocked but many agreed to the possibilty but before we could persue the conversation further a massive earthquake suddenly occurred followed by a massive random bolt of lightning. Although natural occurrences, ligtning appearing out of nowhere on a clear and cloudless sky was none the less unnerving.

It seemed magic had returned somewhat yet was still wild and unstable. We who could cast tried not to as things were so unstable but in the heat of battle one often resorts to common practices. However we paid a high price as afetr a massive surge we found ourselves transported into an undeground cavern by which we were immediately beset upon by orcs.Once the battle was over there was a slight debate about how we could of gotten here, that is to say where here was. After some moments Hazlok decided that we were in the Wolrd's End Dungeon under Thazar Keep. We had little time to talk as parts of the cavern were collapsing and we had to keep moving. It seemed as if we were being purposely lead to a final point unknown.

We faced foes worse than the orcs, earth elementals, golems made from clay, stone, and finally golems of the void. It was during this time we were slowly getting our divine powers back, making the battles a bit easier. After what seemed like an eternity we were done and found our selves in a wide part of the cavern.We were exhausted wounded and frustated at not having gotten out but yet took some comfort that the god's had returned. After having rested, a white figure appeared however I was not to hear what the figure had to say nor join those with me in leaving. For some unknown reason and by some unknown hand I was taken away. I was not dead, in fact I remembered nothing after seeing the figure. I awoke in the courtyard outside of the keep. I looked about for anyone but noone was around. I checked with the carvan driver and they had left hours before I awoke. The driver told me a large party went to Tyraturos so I opted to go there hoping to find someone and get answers. I arrived and through inquiries found that some were at the Red Trident.

As I was headed towards the stairs I ran into Sylonara we exchanged brief pleasantries and shortly afterwards, Mason came down and by looking at him one could sense he had a life changing experience although he was still bloodied from the battle. He also told me that Bhaal, Bane and Myrkul are all deadand that another named Cyric has assumed their portfolios. I bade Mason and Slyonara farewell and headed upstairs and knocked on the door which was opened by the owner of Needful Stuff , Maisri Kenson who seemed a bit annoyed though tired. In the room was Djed,Koriseil and Shea who also looked exhausted.I could sense that Djed was also changed and did not feel like talking but managed to impart that since the other three were dead he was a follower of Cyric. Briefly I was told of demons and other planars thay Mystra was dead and relaced by a person named Midnight. I bid them farewell and headed back to Bezantur the fatigue finally starting to hit me.

I arrived in Bezantur and at the market I ran into Cyrus and Hazlok. I explained to them what happened and why I was not at the end with them. I also told Cyrus of my discomfort during the search for answers as I felt some enity possesed me briefly to give me the answers asked by the priests. It was suggested I follow Cyrus and Hazlok to Aloar where I would be told of what happened in Murbant.
I was still tired and tried to follow as best as I could the conversation going back and forth between the two. Luckily I had the foresight to have a book, quill and ink on hand to record it.

Cyrus Najera: "Some sort of exploding bottle, next thing we knew we were on a ship, and Melody was there too.Kept talking about our host who turned out to be Anhur incarnate."

Hazlok Thrune: "One wonders why a god invited a bard along.

Cyrus Najera: "She was there to get the tale and write a song about it."

Hazlok Thrune: "But to record the tale, I suppose. I suppose that's Anhur's kind of thing then...."

Cyrus Najera: "Anyway, Anhur was quite mad at us for sending the sahaguian towards Mulhorand."

Hazlok Thrune: "Right, from the sinking of the fleet."

Cyrus Najera: "So we were to fight them, keep them away from his fight with Sekolah. After he had slain the god shark, he asked if any were pure enough to handle his spear."

Hazlok Thrune: "When their lord made it through the barrier, I was worried it would go poorly for us. Maisri took it though. She said she won't sell it in her shop."

I then found out that Cyric was the one who returned the tablets but where they were discovered Cyrus did not know. He also reassured me that my role in this whole affair was as a guide as I did provide information which helped end this mess in its various stages. I bid the two farewell and returned to think over all that had happened."

Caramiriel closes her book and sets it down on the table and goes to her shrine to meditate on the future and to give thanks that she survived.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Relaxing in her home, Caramiriel opens her journal and writes.

" I will admit that when I was told by the clan soothsayer that my destiny was to join the Priador legion, I had doubts. A solider was really not a common occupation for a Druid to persue yet I was reminded that I would no longer be in a place where I could be a full Druid. My breeding was also a factor that Elves, even half breeds were quite valuable as slaves.

I arrived in Bezantur and settled in my home and began to get acquainted with my new life away from the forests. I will admit my arrival to Bezantur was not as I had hoped. I did not join right away but got used to the areas and reconditioned my skills for life in what could be laughingly called civilization. I met many people who aided me in my tasks but also tried to show me alternatives to the legion.

What was frustrating was the commander of the Priador legion in Bezantur a fellow Druid and follower of Silvanus as myself, Captain Azura was not recruiting so I had to go to Thasselen. The master sergeant there was quite grumpy but accepted me. I decided however to stay local and take tasks from the captain. The quests ranged from simplistic research to traveling to exremely dangerous places for various objects. I could swear she was trying to kill me. However she was not the only one as the assassins are getting more and more brazen.

In between her tasks I did tasks for others to acquire much needed equipment as my limited funds went to expenses, especially adding things to my home and the taxes. I finally acquired the rank of sergeant and was able to call on a fellow legionnaire to assist me. Those that assisted were decent enough but I think ones the legion wanted to get rid of. I was not long a sergeant when I was promoted to a lieutenant. It seemed the capatain's tasks were more and more dangerous. Having assisted others with theirs, I managed to save up gold and was able to buy some of the items.

Since the what has been called the Time of No magic, I have pretty much stayed out of major battles due to various quests. However, when the Zulkir, Omnipotence Szass Tam called for loyal Thayans to gather and prevent the barabians horde from attacking, I decided to go. It was good to see others of the Priador and other legions gathered as a united front. Although we saw no action, I guess the mere fact I went and was willing to die for Thay impressed the Captain that she promoted me to Captain. She is still the senior officer and commander.

The fact that another woman, a half elf and Druid has achieved such rank in what some have called a joke of a legion, may bring even more into our ranks. It seems outside of the Riders of the Unicorns we have more recruits.

Daxos, who was recently promoted to sergeant heroically volunteered to act as a "guide" for the Horde through Shar's pass. If he returns he will make a fine Knight in the future.

Elira his sister and also a lieutenant needs to be watched closely as she is a dragon disciple which is unable to keep that nature in check.

Inge is a natural born soldier and I have hugh hopes for her future in the legion.

Vanya a lieutenant I do not know that much about but to achieve her rank must have impressed someone.

Garic a lieutenant and good friend who joined around the same time I did is also a good soldier and why not yet a captain I do not know.

Pressure and more eyes will be on me know as well as my enemies and assassins stronger. It is survival of the fittest and I must concentrate on that and watch my back. I have comfort in knowing though I have many friends."

She finishes her wine, closes the book and heads to bed.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
In her home, Caramiriel opens her book and writes.

" I knew a Druid in civilization and especially in the military was a hard path to follow, the laws of the land or one's god. I will admit that living in the city has made me used to the conviences of travel via the caravan and my travels into wilderness have been more on business. The warning from the flaming Ent and the stripping of my gifts was a wake up call.

Though I managed to survive without my gifts during the time of no magic, that was different as everyone who had gifts whether arcane or divine were made powerless. This time of no magic was personal, a blow dealt by Silvanus. I was prepared to do the search for the holy Ghost Stag on my own, but I had friends willing to help me, Gust, Cyrus and Silus. However prior to this quest, Omnipotence
Hazlok had me meet an avatar of his god Moander, a god of unnatural rot and decay. Naturally I denied him and infuriated the god to no end.

The chase lead us through the Sunrise Mountains. We found the stag but each time it manifested into an avatar of a god who may be better for me than Silvanus.
Each played on the fact that Silvanus threw me away and also on my memories of events.

The first avatar was of the god Fenmarel Mestarine- Elven god of Feral Elves, Outcasts, Scapegoats, Isolation. It took the form of a male elf and played not only on the fact Silvanus dumped me but also played on the fact of the legion demotion, my half breed status and that of a red wizard's bastard. Though persuasive I refused.

The second manifested as a diseased rat of Talona. I used to spend alot of time patrolling the sewers and aiding people in the finding of various items they sought not because I enjoyed the atmosphere of them. I had done such a good job that I was ordered to stop and if I returned I would be demoted to Lieutenant. Of course I was one to follow orders and did, much to the disappointment ot those who had asked my aid. I refused to follow Talona and then it vanished.

The final manifestation was that of Moander which was represented byt the deadly black tentacles which spring from seeds and from the bodies of his followers. Again as the others had done it denounced Silvanus and insisted I choose him. Once again I denied him and he was even more furious than before and vanished. We had expected to see the stag again but instead the tentacles reappeared along with various creatures of Moander which were real and not illusions. We barely managed to defeat them but we did and once they were gone, the stag reappeared.

The stag asked again and again I said I would accept Silvanus. The stag then rubbed an antler against a tree until a piece fell off. It indicated with its head I should approach and take the antler. Upon taking the relic, I heard in my mind the antler was a one way portal to the sacred grove and I should speak to the Archdruid. I thanked Cyrus and Silus who also seemed to be as shocked as I at the gift. Gently rubbing it I was transported to the Grove.

The Archdruid had expected me it seems but not to arrive as I did. We then had a long discussion about me joining the grove and what I would do to promote it. One of the topics discussed at length was if I was staying in Bezantur and if not where? Naturally the Archdurid would have liked me to stay in the surrounding areas but although half-elf living in the wilds did not appeal to me. I chose Tyraturos as it was a nice blend of nature and civilization and I could find a home with some actually grass and dirt and maybe have a small shrine to Silvanus outside. The inside of my new home would also be more of a natural feel.

Satisfied with my goals, the Archdruid allowed me to join the temple and made me a cleric initiate. I bowed to the Archdruid and used a stone to return to Bezantur to start plans for the move. Out of everything I mentioned to the Archdruid the ability to have the outdoor shrine was a concern as if the Tharchion would allow it."

She closes her book and walks around her home looking at things she would keep or sell then goes and takes a caravan to Tyraturos in search of property.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
In her home in Bezantur, Cara opens her journal and writes.

" Well it seems I will be able to have my outdoor shrine and my new home surrounded by grass and trees but at a price. My leaving the legion and embracing the Grove was not enough it seems to placate those jealous of me.
I had barely been accepted inot my new role when rumors abounded about some Silvanites and their allies attacking Moander followers as well as Kossuth followers as they were allies and I was behind it. The two most vocal about this was Vareth Agneh, a follower or Moander and second to Omnipotence Thrune in the Temple of Moander. Vareth is also kin to Mari Vareth once Tharchion. The second advocate was Jay a tiefling follower of Kossuth who loves running his mouth by which rarely anything meaningful does.

I do not know how the rumor started but it could have been a perversion of my fight with the minons of Moander I fought during my test of faith. They were not human but various creatures spawned of the abomination. The fact that a mere druid once a legion captain and three others defeated Moanders forces and dared to turn down an offer of acceptance twice for their god. So I think they twisted the facts. Naturally I denied it.

The rumors kept growing and getting exaggerated and threatened to cause a holy war thus bringing it to the attention of Tharchion Dimon of Tyraturos. He requested myself and all parties involved to a meeting at the citadel to discover the truth.

The day arrived and I was afraid I would be alone, however Silvanus was watching over me as Daeris and Kallien happened to be there. We were greeted by the Tharchion's Elven scribe Deleniethien. She whispered to me in Elven that " It is up to you. You must defend us well." I nodded as if I did not have enough on my plate. It seems we were the last to arrive. Those who were in attendence were Omnipotence Thrune, Vareth, and Zargos representing Moander. There was Jay Asher,the priestess of Kossuth, Maia was there for the Tyraturos Legion, the man known as Darius whom I had recently met but did not know were he stood in reference to this issue. Tharchion Dimon, Deleniethien, Omnipotence Kren of the school of Divination.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Having paused in her writing, Cara opens her journal and continues.

"Tharchion Dimon opened the proceedings with wanting to get to the truth behind the rumors of a possible relgious war between followers of Kossuth, Moander and Silvanus. The Tharchion called in a red wizard named Tomas Kren, a diviner who would add his visions after others assembeld spoke.
Omnipotence Thrune spoke first giving a brief account of the rumors from his perspective, however had Vareth relay the incidents in full.

Vareth was although kept the aristocratic air associated with the Mulani upperclass, was very emotional in his delivery, much like someone preaching about their god. In front of the Tharchion, on his desk , from a pouch a few dried spurs spilled out.
Vareth claimed were remains of people he was with and they were truned to the burrs by followers of Silvanus. Naturally there were gasps and looks of surprise and anger. Kallien and I looked at each other very skeptical of Vareth's claims. Even Omnipotence Kren was skeptical if one read his facial expression correctly.

Seeing that Vareth had finished, Omnipotence Kren called me to speak next. At the Tharchion's word gave my desposition. I explained I had always been of Silvanus and that I was once of the Priador as well my two interactions with the avatars of Moander. I could sense surpise and even some doubts in the expressions of those present. I also said I never sanctioned a war between the two faiths and that the Archdruid was not aware. The Tharchion had me stop and turned to Omnipotence Kren who began the divination process. He held a strange crystal to his eye and verified that the attack was not of Silvanites. Hazlok obvious not to please with Omnipotence Kren's pronouncement mentioned that he had evidence at his tower
to disprove the divinier's statement. The Tharchion allowed Hazlok to have Zargos get the evidence. In the meantime, Kallien asked and was granted permission to speak.

After he had introduced himself, Kallien's mentioned that with all the clerics and necromancers in Thay , why one could not be called and at least restore one of the burrs. He once again denounce followers of Silvanus as aggressive fighters and some of the Silavanites respect the posiiton of Moander as he represents decay and rot, part of the natural order of things. Kallien finished. Heedless of the fact that
Kallien said some of the Silvanites respected him, my refusal to accept Moander as my god meant that I was against him. I explained I disagreed with advancing the natural process of decay and the ritual I would have had to do to be accpeted by Moander. Many there smirked and thought of me as half elf with have thoughts but Kallien supported and explined my views.

However through his own words, Vareth validated my position. The head of Jay's Temple in Tyraturos, Most Fervid Walker of Fires Danica Zefren asked Vareth about the seeds and the ritual. Vareth eleated went into detail about the implantation of the seeds and that if they survived that means they found favor with Moander, if they died Moander found them unworthy. I immediately replied that that ritual was why I chose not to accept Moander.

As a memeber of Kossuth temple he was to explain the connection to the Moandrites and those of Kossuth. Those who did not know Jay would expect information in realtion to the reason for the summit, they were wrong. He mentioned how some of the tenants of Kossuth and Moander are simular. However he did not stop there but went on all sorts of tangents and it was a reliefe when he stopped. Jay had barely stopped and sat down, when the Tharchion quickly brought the meeting back on track by having Omnipotence Kren reveal his divination.

In his vision he had seen a fertile valley with a river of gold but then the valley decays and the river turns to rust. However the future could be corrected with the proper actions done in the present. If he was not a red wizard Omnipotence Kren would make a good bard. It seemed not all were amused as Omnipotence Thrune asked Kren to reveal the meaning of the vision. In a nutshell, the valley was where the grove was and the river of gold were the Elves taken there for slaves. Naturally there were snickers and smirks at the response. Hazlok stood and spoke not to promote the war but to agree in essence that it would be a loss in profits for several parties. He had barely finished speaking when a flash of light appeared and Zulkur Thrul. You could of heard a pin drop and several were so shocked at his appearance that some stood as still as statues.

I remembered the last time the zulkir made a surprise appearance, it was not as dramatic. I and several others, including Hazlok who was an apprentice at the time were on trial for trumped up charges. It ,like this would have far reaching consquences depending on the actions taken not to mention the shortening of our lives. However his plan worked and we were absolved of any wrong doing. He showed his well deserved reputation as a master planner and strategist. What was he planning now? Naturally everyone rushed to do him honor however it seemed he was irritated at being at the summit so ordered everyone back to their places.

He agreed that the valley was a rare thing of beauty and held rare creatures, especially the Elves and to destroy their breeding grown would be a waste as their numbers were few. The Zulkir also appointed me as the offical Tyraturos representative of the Grove and I was to have a home and small shrine and post notice that all followers of Silvanus would be welcome. They were not to be impeded from entering Tyraturos or at the shrine. The only actions to be taken against them was either by slavers on the raods or if they broke the law. Kallien said he would still continue his efforts in culling the population of orcs and gnolls inhabiting the forests to allow elves to live safer as well as travel more swiftly out of the forest. Waiting until the Zulkir stopped speaking, Hazlok asked that when the Temple of Moander is established, that it be granted the same rights and privledges as the temples of Waukeen and Kossuth. The Tharchion agreed and declared that the meeting was over. All the while vareth was chafing as if waiting to speak to the Zulkir about something but he did not get the chance for as soon as he started to speak, the Zulkir vanished the same way he came.

I have no illusions as to my task and the victory I gained for the Grove and Elves of the Valley, a shadow at best. As was mentioned at the meeting, the Elves must be given an illusion of freedom. In essence, the valley and the Grove have been reduced to nothing more than a preserve. The Archdruid agreed but said a balance had to be maintained and it was the best we can hope for concidering where we live.

I had thought that by moving to Tyraturos, I could be free of the public eye and concentrate on my skills and faith. Also again I will be a figurehead as I was as Captain of the legion, now a Druidess I imagine both hated and respected by those not of the faith and the Elves."

Frowning slightly she closes her book and prepares to head to the citadel and deedmaster to check on the progress of the move.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
At her desk in her home in Tyraturos, Caramiriel takes out her journal and writes. She decides since she is no longer of the legion that green ink should be her color.

" It seems we have entered an time of limitations. A spell was cast effectively decreasing the power levels of those of the arcane and divine, the common person and even the red wizards. I had just barely began to master the higher forms of druid shifting and spells associated with the same. I now only am able to cast spells of the seventh circle, change into the basic animal forms and the wyrmlings. As in the time of no magic, the wizards are more angry if Omnipotence Thrune is any indication. How many of Zulkirs were affected if they were is not known and nor would I expect it to be public knowledge.

Rumors had been flying about as to who could have been behind the action. Myself and others finally a clue, a piece of the puzzle. I was in Tyraturos when all of the sudden I felt an unusal sensation of illness beyond that of normal. It was tinged with magic. I blanked out for moment and found myself in an undeground cavern. I was quickly joined by Daeris, Kallien,Aerik, Maia and Maera. It was determined we were in caverns underneath Eltabarr. We fought our way through a myriad of creatures until we got to a platform with a strange object on a pedestal.
Getting a closer look it was determined that it was the Eye of Vecna. A few moments later we experienced a vision which formed around the pedestal.
It was a woman and a hooded man which were later to be determined as the Simbul and the god known as Velsharoon. They both seem to have a dislike of Thay and the Zulkirs. Apparently adventures were duped into retrieving the Eye which was then used to reduce those across the boards who were deemed to powerful. As suddenly as it appeared, it disappeared and then we were attacked by a horde of shadows of different sizes and stengths. After some time we realized they were coming from the pedestal so we decided that half would fight the shadows and the other half would attempt to destroy the pedestal. After a hard fought battle on both fronts we prevailed.

Trying to find our way back up to the sewers and then out proved a difficult battle.
We were are tired naturally but our determination to get back up to the city, gave us the energy we needed. We defeated all in our path except one, a dragon creature possibly a form of golem and extremely dangerous. Once we got up and out we debated on whether or not to go back and try and defeat the creature as many adventurers are sent to the sewers on quests. We decided since none of us were residents of Eltabarr nor in the legion, we would tell Brandon who was currently one of the tribunes.

We decided to go to Tyraturos and when we got there luck was with us as Brandon happened to be there. Daeris, usually calm, was very aggitated and wanted to try and resolve this as soon as possible. Although there were a few public places what needed to be discussed was not for all ears. I offered to have it at my home which recently was finished.

Aside from the fighting party, Brandon and the half orc named Hirt was there as well. After brief interductions Daeris related to Brandon what had happened and he agreed something needed to be done. We all said we would give him support if able when the time came.

The main concern we all had was who transported us and who called the vision? Where we still being watched and were we now targets?"

Finishing her glass of wine, Caramiriel closes her book and heads to bed.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
In her home in Tyraturos , sitting in one of the chairs in front of one of the fireplaces, she opens her book and writes.

" I have finally settled in my new home here in Tyra however two sofas were either lost or stolen in the transfer though everything else arrived safely. I am starting to feel more at home and attuned to my Druidic roots. I do miss my home and time in the legion and Bezantur, but always felt drawn here.
It is ironic that the same time I had moved here, the curse was cast, having me to readjust my spells and tactics.

The Shrine has been overall well accepted and many although not of the Oak Father have just come and sat to try an forget the noise of cities. His ominscience,Archdruid Moonbow made is way and offically blessed and recognized both the public shrine and my own personal one inside. Before he left however, I asked him about the task he had given to me prior to the curse, to seek a sling from the deep submerged caverns of the North Aloar caves. I explained that I had tried before the curse and once after but it was also a failure. He said he understood but the item would a great boon to the grove defense. I nodded and said I would still try. However on a positive side, two Silvanite Elves have found their way to Tyra.
Narang a somewhat jittery mage but her anxiety due to what happened to her family and Arcyl an accomplished archer who was with me during the blessing.

Loss of powers and skills were not the only things affected by the curse, some friends have disappeared. Silus a good friend as well as another Silvanite elf, Ingen a feral elf starting to get use to civilization. Cyrus I think to help adjust to the situation, has been burying himself in work in trying to get an auxilary arm to the Aloar navy, a force also capable of fighting on land. Daeris has been in sort of a depression with the loss of Silus and Ingen but we are helping each other get through this.

I have also sent a letter of recommendation ot the Priador Tribunal on Garic's behalf to be promoted to captain."

Feeling somewaht better at writing down her feelings, Caramiriel closes the book and heads for bed.
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander

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