Rashan Ashby
Before coming to Thay, Rashan Ashby travelled around the Sword Coast with his Uncle.
Rashan was are rather quiet person before coming to Thay, and relied heavily on his Uncle's advice. One day, however, when he and his Uncle were travelling through the Cloakwood, he was separated, and beset upon by slavers. He ran, until he was finally cornered, but was rescued by a mysterious ally.
While in Thay, Rashan went awry without the advice of his Uncle. After turning to enslaving bandits and robbers along the roads for some quick money, Rashan felt pangs of guilt.
He has since attempted to try and find redemption with Tymora, by helping others, and performing good deeds.
Rashan died in the Tyraturos Necropolis after arriving there using the Portal of Adventure, in the Temple of Tymora.

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