BSOD problems with NWN
I've so far crashed 6 times with BSOD, in the last 4-5 days (typically when turning NWN off).

- 1 time when playing NWN.
- 4 time(s) when turning it off.
- 1 time when trying to start NWN.

The codes have been:
0x0000003B (update my graphics card): Solved
0x00000050 (frequent)

I've tried different compatibility modes, and seems to make no difference.
Right now I'm going to run a full update on my Win7 x64 Ultimate.
Has anybody else ever had these issues?
What is BSOD?
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
I think BSOD means 'Blue Screen of Death'

But no, I run on a newever Win7 x64 machine myself and while I do crash the game quite often, I've never had BSOD problems with NWN.
I prefer walking towards the east..
I thought it meant Badass Stormtroopers of Destruction, which sounds a lot more fun.
Considering the nature of the problem, if you know how to fix it, you'd know what BSOD is :P
(01-21-2014, 12:16 PM)WingsOfStardust Wrote: Considering the nature of the problem, if you know how to fix it, you'd know what BSOD is :P

I have had BSOD but not with NWN. You could try this:In order to disable the intro movies for Neverwinter Nights, add the following line under [Display Options] in your nwn.ini file:

Disable Intro Movies=1

Removing the word 'Intro' will disable all movies.

For playing in windowed mode, add the following line under [Display Options] in your nwn.ini file:


...and change FullScreen=1 to FullScreen=0.

Also do you have any browsers or IM's open? Also make sure the bit is set to 32 not 64.

Is NWN made an exception to your anti-virus program?
Rimeth: Merchant of Bezantur
Marister (dead) -Ranger -Robin Hood of Thay (death marked for pissing off a Daeron.)
Vil'a'w'en Mel'for'm - Blighter of Moander
Quote:I have had BSOD but not with NWN. You could try this:In order to disable the intro movies for Neverwinter Nights, add the following line under [Display Options] in your nwn.ini file:

I run nwn from a short-cut, bypassing intros.


I really don't like windowed mode.

Quote:Is NWN made an exception to your anti-virus program?

I had no anti-virus/firewall running when this started happening.
It's not an issue with connectivity or the like.
Ok, well I suggesst following this post. I made it awhile back.

The issue sounds rather recent, so it really shouldn't be your NwN.

You mentioned you had not anti-virus running. Perhaps you have a virus. Also look at any software or hardware updates you may have done.
Tempus' orders to all combatants:
1. Be fearless. 2. Never turn away from a fight. 3. Obey the rules of war.
After 10-15 Windows updates... (most of them being .NET Framework 3.5.1 security updates)

Seems to have become pretty stable.

I think I know what's causing it now: Tabbing out. After doing such a few times just now, while standing idle in-game: tabbing back in caused a BSOD.

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