The Thay Community - Introduce yourself
Hey all,

I am restarting this thread since the last one was rather bloated.

I'm Bertram. I've played on Thay since 2011. My friend introduced me to NwN, he was a close friend that I played PnP with weekly. He had been playing on Thay for a bit and one day he started telling me about it, my imagination went wild as he described the world that Balanor had built. I had only played for a handful of hours before I hopped online and joined the Thay community. Since then I've played pretty consistently when life wasn't preventing me. I've tried a couple other servers, which admittedly never lasted for more than a few hours each. They just never managed to hook me like Thay did, they all seemed to lack the flair and immersion Thay does.

My first character on the server, Bertram Anders, was a wizard with aspirations of becoming a Red Wizard. Unfortunately for him, my inexperience as a player did not make him a well made (or played) wizard. He failed his trials and became the only played wizard who failed his apprentice trials.

Feel free to introduce yourselves in any capacity that you wish.
Tempus' orders to all combatants:
1. Be fearless. 2. Never turn away from a fight. 3. Obey the rules of war.
Greetings, David here. I play Geliaz Spites.

I have played NwN with a couple of breaks here and there since it came out in the early 2000. I also jumped straight to an online PW called Immersea as my RL friends played there. Didnt know anything about D&D before NwN, but was introduced to it after a year or two, and became addicted to it. After Immersea, I've played in Myth Drannor, Aolyth/Andrune, Cormyr & Dalelands, World Serpent Inn.

I started playing here after Enhanced Edition came out. We tested a handful of servers and we all enjoyed Thay the most. Unfortunatly most of my friends enjoy switching games to play the same amount of times as they change their socks.

I live a busy RL now days due to work and kids, which means I cant play as much as would. I still manage to squeeze in some play time almost each day, either on daytime or on the evening. My timezone is GMT+1.
Welcome Halvtolv!
Pluto is still a planet.
Hello everyone. I'm Ciaran in real life, i've played off and on since I was 15 back in 2012 if my registration here on the forums is to be believed. Truth be told I don't remember much of anything from the first wipe, but the few posts I had made here Bertram there deleted because I was utterly embarrassed at the level of young cringe makes me think that I'm ok with not looking like a fool.

The second rendition I played Vestele Driiquar, the elven Harper who participated in the canon Runes of Chaos event and specialized in infiltrating the various evil organizations in Thay by losing her humanity piece by piece. Currently I'm playing Zolis Halav as my main, but some of the folks earlier in the third rendition here may remember me as Faerlyn Torvirr.

As for myself as a player, I'm honestly kinda boring. I work to be able to afford to game, I've been a part of a team to build a LARP for over a year now, and I occasionally enjoy making a tabletop world with the intent to run games in it. Besides that... Well, i'm not good at talking about myself, but I don't think I do all too much in the day to day.
Red Wizard Apprentice Zolis Halav

Undrek'thoz Legionnarie Celiphyn
Hi all, I'm Hayden. Go by William online, and currently main Ezekiel.

I've played NWN since it first released, when I was about 8 or so, and throughout the subsequent expansions. In my mid teens I joined the DM crew of a PW, and after some time stepped down for lack of need given the server's population. I continued to play there until about 2012/13, when the server went down and life steered me away from nwn for a while.

With the release of NWN:EE, that server came back and I came back to it also, and with an appreciation for the difficulties for getting servers to run - So I took up scripting for modules about a year ago and am now the lead scripter for that server. I also took up programming in a hobby capacity, and created a GUI for nwsync to help out PW admins who weren't super comfortable with the command-line interface of the nwsync backend.

Shortly thereafter, Balanor spotted my work on the forum, we chatted about it a bit and shortly thereafter, with a working nwsync in beta-testing, I joined Thay and have been thoroughly enjoying my time here the last ~6 months.

I've also played D&D since I was about 12, regularly play guitar at church and am learning to play Piano (Although I don't practice enough!). I live on the east coast of Australia, work as an advisory accountant, and ride a motorbike.
Hey all, Will here. Or Muse. Whichever you prefer.

First logged on in the 2010-2011 area but late 2011 is when I finally settled into Thay and 2012 is when I registered. Also grew up through this server in my teenage years and have played continuously through my adolescence into university and now with a few degrees, still going strong here on the PW.

My current main character is Aethon Tane. My first character was a Priador legionnaire by the name of Rinith Newman that got to level 10 without a single faction promotion, lol. 

Happy roleplay and adventures to all!
Greetings all.

Roumimper here. I play Ziarya Uras'Thule on Thay.
Started playing DnD in 93' (Moved to Pathfinder a few years back; PF rules, FR setting), and NwN shortly after its release.
Played on Immersea for a few years, moved to Amia (A schism server from Arelith) which I played on for almost ten years, then World Serpent Inn until it got taken down, and now I'm here (Server jumped for a short while with some friends in search of a new server, and we ended up on Thay).
Started shortly after EE, but only stuck around for about two months and returned in December.

Like the server, most of the people, and the DMs, so hopefully will stick around.
I'm Norwegian (GMT +1), but sleep pretty irregularly and often is on for most of the day anyways.

One Love Thayans, here i am FrodoTheFluffy, in Thay you'll know me as Hobbit!

I have been trying to survive Thay since before the release of EE.

I generally prefer to bumble the realm in my own little world i will have several characters you will meet over time but i am UK based so my time will differ drastically to most of you however if any we meet may i offer you the best experience i can offer in my characters be it new player or other Veterans such as myself.

Thay is hard and that is why i play it... There are no other servers quite like Thay out there i can't think of any server to play!
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked;
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
Hello there! The forum seems pretty quiet compared to the Discord and server itself but figured I'd still say hello.

I've roleplayed on NWN a long time, as well as NWN2, got drawn in by an old friend from The Easting Reach. Hit me up if you were from there, would love to catch up with old RP pals! I am just poking my head in to try this place but so far enjoying it. :) I love playing slow-burning character arcs.

I'm a newcomer to this PW, and to this site. I've played NWN pretty much since it came out, and transitioned into PWs long ago. Sadly, as many, if not most of you know, NWN, the Bioware software, sort of disintegrated, and I didn't give it much of a thought after that. I dabbled with DDO and Neverwinter Online, but what I like best about NWN is the RP, and MMOs don't really meet that need. Especially the second time around, when a new character gets stuck doing the identical set of quests as the first character, because there's next to no variability between one character and the next.

Anyway, along came COVID, and my friends and I decided to transition our weekly tabletop sessions into an online campaign. For a while I was running a game on Roll20, until my laptop crapped out, and I put it on hiatus (I still need to get my old laptop looked at, to salvage what was on it). While we were looking for something else to do, we considered running an NWN module, but it turned out we didn't all have compatible editions of the game, because the Steam version was not compatible with the Bioware. When I realized that, my friends and I picked up a copy of the Steam software, (those who didn't already have it) and I was astonished to realize that it was still a surprisingly active community, and the game lobby, while not identical, is functionally very similar.
We took some time playing a few modules with different characters, but I found that my friends were treating the experience more like a video game than an RP experience, and I was getting frustrated. I wondered if maybe sticking them in something more dynamic, like a PW, might change that, so I suggested we look for one. When I looked around, I found this one, which seemed to fit the bill, so I convinced them to take the plunge. Not sure how this will play out, but I'm hoping for the best.

Borte was one of my characters on my old PW server, though this is a slightly tamer version of her (so far). She's a tribal warrior from a largely patriarchal community of nomads. Her world, up until now, has consisted mainly of barbarians, rogues, druids and sorcerers. She speaks the common tongue, though she sometimes has difficulty with longer words. She considers reading, writing and wizardry (sorcery too) as nothing less than witchcraft, and not to be trusted, and is having a hard time wrapping her brain around how much magic surrounds her in this land. Still, it's not in her nature to run from a confrontation. She has goals, and being here will help her attain them.

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