It is known that there is a XP-Cap. Is there a notoriety-Cap as well ?
Hello !

I like to know if there is a daily notoriety-cap as well, besides the regular daily xp-cap.

- Shanyrria Shayarus
There is not a daily notoriety cap.

You can continue to gain the same amount of notoriety even when at the time-based XP cap (My understanding is that it's not technically a "Daily" cap)
William is correct. You can read more about the experience and notoriety systems. Let us know if you have any more questions.
Tempus' orders to all combatants:
1. Be fearless. 2. Never turn away from a fight. 3. Obey the rules of war.
Ok, it is a time-based-experience-cap, good to know.

Thank you for your answers !

- Shanyrria Shayarus

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